The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. .........America..........Canada...........Russia............China..........Germany...........
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  2. Monaco pleads that the countries involved with this conflict stand down, for the sake of the earth not getting turned into a nuclear wasteland
  3. Meet my massive army of tanks and planes.

    Canada works on a new tank.
    fluffinator09 and Daxter9133 like this.
  4. I haven't heard once from Russia or China during this...
  5. germany, add to that Monaco
  6. Forgiving Germany, Canada wants to ally Germany.
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  7. Germany agrees, but this will only end when North Korea opens it's borders and/or discontinues all inhumane acts.
  8. Yes. But you completly ignored renovating them. Do you think a twenty year old missle defense system would do anything to new missles designed to punch through them? And you do not have the time, nor the means to get materials, to renovate them now. And I call Godmod if you have enough bunkers to fill up your entire country, and the means to feed, clothe, and give them water for extened periods of time.
  9. What took you so long, ay?
  10. No one has proved that North Korea has been using inhumane methods we are waiting for a representative to come and inspect.
  11. Monaco replies that a comprimise might have to be made. think about it: either the world is slightly less with worry, or is a apocalyptic wasteland
  12. I love how everyone thought I would remain neutral, lol.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  13. Luxembourg finds empty Russian shuttle on the moon and begins exploring through out it ( not sure if i can say stuff like this about other nations)
  14. monaco had sent one
  15. Your talking to Germany we had "work camps" for the Jews........ mhm
    bitmonger20 likes this.
  16. Russia has not been to the moon yet. As far as I know, Laos is the only country to have. And actually, I am wondering how you managed to land a man on the moon in two pages while it has taken me nearly seventeen.
  17. Luxembourg is known for its wealth
  18. These camps were made for criminals like murders, there are basically what America used to do, have prisoners do manual labor farming, mining building etc.
  19. this is from a historical standpoint everyone, luxembourg was formed again right after ww2
  20. So I take you would be with me and the USA?

    Canada's new tank is done, well, its not really a tank, but a self propelled AA gun. It has a 40MM Bofors AA gun and 25MM of all around armour. Like all other tanks, this can be dropped from a HADs. It is called the Light Anti Aircraft tank.