The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. USA is unsure at the moment, but readies its troops all the same. (We are waiting on Mexico to make a statement).
  2. Monaco begins mass production of their anti-tank APC.
  3. USA begins construction of the International Treaty Alliance Building.
  4. The meaning of the North Korean camps are to punish all who betray the state and all criminals by hard labor.
    North Korea begins working on missile silos.
  5. The USA believes these may violate human rights, and, on behalf of humanity, wishes to make an inspection of these camps.
  6. Canada is ready to go to war with Mexico along with the USA if they need help.

    Canada starts work on a tankette. (Small tank, usually has a 1-2 person crew, used for moving up with infantry.)
  7. Laos finishes two space stations. They are seperate for private use by Laos and Progressia, are equipped with the latest optic technology. However, from there the designs split ( Meaning Progressia decides how they built theirs. ). Laos' personal station can hold up to thirty people at one time. At maximum capacity, it can hold around a years worth of supplies. It has various modules, many of which not made public. It is run on solar power, as well as a generator fueled on nightsoil. The structure is around five hundrend meters from end to end. Laos also finsishes even more of its war projects, some of which are attached to the station.

    Laos begins, once again, to upgrade its airforce and navy, to include the latest technology. Laos advises the United States against war, since it would, most likely, start another huge war. More advancments have been made into space technology, which are given to the two allies of Laos, the United States and Canada. This includes most of their unclassified satellite technology, by FAR the most advanced in the world, and the technology required to build a space station. All it requires is that the technology is not given to any other nations.

    Laos ask the United States, Canada, and Progressia if they will prevent them from occupying Vietnam. It has borders with Laos, and has obselete technology, and refuses to respond to any sort of communication. It would be a boost to the citzens, as Laos has a much more relaxed goverment then Vietnam.
  8. South Korea begins to look into medicine.
  9. North Korea wishes to not allow any media or representatives of other countries into ours.
    All our of our military and navy are on high alert to defend against anyone who attempts to enter our country. We have issued this warning before. We have also finished our missiles silos we now have 8.
  10. We agree, but if Mexico thinks that attacking the USA is a good idea by using bio-warfare then they need to back down. We begin to plan a space station.
  11. Then the US is forced to believe there are inhumane things happening in these camps, and urges for international pressure.
  12. Is it too late join this? It looks quite fun
  13. Canada's tankette is done. It has a crew of one person. Its main, and only weapon is a Browning MG. Its armour is VERY thin, at only 10MM. It is not meant as a major machine on the battlefield, but just to support infantry. It is called the Beaver6. It is able to be dropped by a HADs.
  14. Never too late to join. :)
  15. North Korea does not wish to wage war with anyone but to just not have our ways not interrupted.
  16. Nation-Luxembourg
    G type-Rep democracy
    Population 10 million
    Military 18 thousand
  17. Your ways? Such as torture and murder?
  18. Canada wishes to ally Luxembourg.

    Canada starts having war games in southern BC.
  19. USA asks to join the War Games. ((I am also looking for a combat sim for the game))