The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. nigeria settles for wooden planks with wheels on the bottom. names it "skate board"
    nigeria decides to start selling skate boards at a very attractive price
  2. Progressia invites New Zealand, Nigeria and Mexico to an alliance. We promise Mexico in particular that we will put their cakes to good use :p

    Progressia begins work on the second iterations of Projects Diplomacy, Yttrium, International, North and Gratitude.
    As well as this, Progressia see that its 4.7 million citizens who have now emigrated to Australia are overwhelmingly Progressian nationalist. They pass a referendum for Australia to become part of Progressia and it passes, making Australia part of Progressia.
  3. North Korea has finished its first part of its iron dome defense system they can protect against light attacks. We are working on making the system better now.
  4. nigeria accepts alliance, demands that north korea sends them a video of their leader dancing to gangnam style
    bitmonger20 and SoulPunisher like this.
  5. Spain finds an abundant supply of oil, and when they begin to drill, they find it has tons of precious ores like iron and gold hidden in its walls. They can't wait to dig deeper and possibly find diamonds - to supply their people with and to sell to other countries for money.
  6. Gangnam Style has not been created yet also our leader only enjoys Classic Western music.
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  7. nigeria accidently awakens a beast which has been asleep for thousands of years with its kpop music. enraged, the beast flys off to spain and murders half the population
  8. nigeria laughs at north koreas lack of time travel equipment and so sends their leader a plastic doctor who figure from 2005
  9. That is both god modding and ludicrous.
    SoulPunisher and Daxter9133 like this.
  10. If you are going to play the game, please play it right. This is, like what, the 1950s-1960s? This isn't 2025.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  11. USA returns and begins researching smaller computer systems.
  12. Brazil has already been working on making smaller computers Brazil in good will sends the US blueprints of the main motherboard and processor.
  13. England discovers mexico's cakes are filled with cocaine, and bans them from England, disposing all of them.
    England finds that the cave was an old burial ground, and scientists are sent in to investgate the bodies. One if them is holding a book, which happens to be the journal of Henery Hudson, and is worth Millions of pounds. The book is donated to the museum.
    England chooses to wall Brighton, incase of an attack.
  14. North Korea has completed their iron dome missile defense system.
    We are now working on camps 1-13.
  15. Canada now works on a new SPG.
  16. Hey, Canada, wanna be friends?
  17. What do you mean by friends.

    Canada's new SPG is done. It has a 90MM main gun, which can fire normal rounds and HE rounds. It has slightly better armour than the previous SPG, with 35MM all around. It has two Bren Machine guns. It is called the Donald Propelled gun. It can be dropped from the HADs.

    Canada starts work on a APC.
  18. The USA starts noticing sickness coming from immigrants from Mexico.
  19. Alliance, union, whatever you're comfy with :p