The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. You took forever. :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. You're kidding, right?

    Canada asks if they can build new HADs with the gunner seats that South Korea put in.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Allowed. South Korea sends Canada a copy of the blueprints.
  4. Canada begins work on yet another tank.
  5. Canada's new tank is done. It is amphibious, making it good for coastal regions. (Not implying anything.) It has a QF 90MM main gun, along with 3 Browning MG's. It has 100MM (3 inches) all around, as Canada has decided that different thickness of armour all over is not as effective as one thickness of armour all around. It was tested with the landing pads, and works perfectly. It is called the Armoured duck, because its 10:21 here, and I have no other ideas.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  6. South Korea finishes one of its secret projects. It successfully launches a satellite into space.
  7. South Korea works on expanding its air force.
  8. Because of its location, Canada offers South Korea 10 Armoured Ducks if Canada can land and take off plans in South Korea.
  9. I hope you mean planes…if so, then yes.
  10. No sir. We will be landing and taking off Nyan Cats. /Sarcasm

    Canada has introduced a new bill. It states that after a war has gone on for two months, (A few hours for us) a draft can be put in place.
  11. North Korea is now working on a iron dome defense system to protect against missile attacks.
  12. Germany offers to ally with Laos to begin a space station.
  13. Laos, seeing the situation surrounding Progressia, politely declines the allyship. However, Laos wishes to have a pact of friendship, so they can work together on some international issues. Laos gives Progressia what they have on it so far, but it will take a long time to complete.
  14. Mexico has built tube system in mexico.
  15. I got a question. Are you going to post anything to help the game? As I take it thats not a subway, but your idea for a tube around the world, you have posted NOTHING to aid the game. Its all just tubes and cake. Please, start helping, or leave.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. like a C-130 Progressia uses :p? a basic copy of the real C130
  17. dirty bombs fuse was 24 hours short, Abuja is destroyed and 200 people die
    Nigeria tries to invent hover boards
  18. Progressia Thanks you for your blue prints.

    Brazil creates a multi-national Planes company (Like Roles Royce)
    and starts work mass producing C-130 Planes
    and creating other versions of the C-170 VTOL gunship (that can turn into a plane). Drawing of the gunship is below :D
    The VTOL is equipped with 2 7.56x51mm NATO MGs one on each side and an optional MG on the back) and has room for 18 troops OR 1 small vehicle e.g snowmobile or Dinghy and only a few Troops
    The vehicle will be used for Spec Ops missions as the gunship cost millions to make.

    Brazil starts work on creating a High Quality Video camera (CCTV camera)
    Brazil also starts work on laser designators and heat Seeking missiles and starts work on a A-22 Longbow (based of the real AH-64 Longbow)

    This will take a while to make perfect but this is under development Brazil is looking for other nations interested in helping create the weapons systems light so it can work well in combat.
    (also legit if you think this is going more towards the 1970's please say so and then I'll remove the heat seeking aspects...)
  19. Brazil announces that it has finished the BMP-1 amphibious tank it has 90 mm armour an 3 sides where the back has only 33 mm because of the needed weight reduction it has one main 90mm barrel and a dual MG on the roof (for use against low flying Helicopters and infantry.
  20. have fun with that.