The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Well, with how much you seem to be promoting it, it seems like thats what you want.
  2. England finds these cakes, and sends them to their lab, to make sure their safe.
    England finds a forest, and begins putting a lumberjack team in place.
    England also finds a fresh water spring, and uses it for drinking water.
  3. there's only 4 countries in this alliance. Given they aren't small, but honestly it's just about equal with u and USA.
  4. ..........You do know that you have developed cities........ you dont have to hunt down water.
  5. I just found the spring. i'm not going to let it go to waste :p
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  6. Canada will you accept having a German Embassy?
  7. Canada begins work on a flame thrower tank. (These did/do exist. Search up Churchill Crocodile)
  8. Canada accepts, but will pull out at any signs of trouble.
  9. Don't worry the Embassy is only armed with basic security, but diplomatic immunity would let my diplomatic team leave the country without being captured/killed in time of crisis.
  10. North Korea has finished their mass transit system its has 1-10 stops in all major city's.
    We begin work on body armor.
  11. Germany funds a private non profit humanitarian aid group for times of disaster.
  12. England critizies Germany for stealing their idea :p xD
  13. I didn't steal. I need one of my own, because your not my ally so I can't rely on you.....
  14. The flame thrower tank is done. It has a QF (Quick Firing) 75 MM main gun and a flame thrower that can fire flames 100 yards. (Both the gun and the flame distance are based on the Churchill flame tank) It has 125 MM of frontal and back armour, and 100MM of side armour. Its main use is flushing out enemy's. It is called the Laurent110.

    Canada, who now wants a good tank army, starts work a new special tank
  15. wait what? i thought we were allies!!
    All alone! ;-;
  16. German politicians are wondering why Canada is arming itself with such heavy weapons of war.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  17. Canada says for defence. If they wanted a war, they would have kept going.
    Squizzel_Boy and Daxter9133 like this.
  18. Oooopps lol your England. I am your ally, well now we can help eachother when the other is struck with disaster.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  19. England facepalm's it'self, and damages part of London.
    London is worked on ASAP.
    England finds a cave system, and assembles an expidition team to go in.
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  20. Canada drops the tank design, and instead works on a SPG. (Self propelled gun, or SPA, self propelled artillery.)