The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Monaco agrees with what the U.S. believes about north korea, and proposes a pact with the U.S. Monaco also begins to build Military Barracks
  2. Details?
  3. Monaco agrees that North Korea is inhumanely treating its people
  4. These are our terms: Any foreign power will not step one inch inside North Korea or will blow them to pieces.
    The entire nation of North Korea is ready to go to war will stop at nothing to stop the enemy.
  5. Luxembourg Starts researching about sending a man to the moon
  6. This is not confirmed, we just wish to do a human rights inspection.
    ((I also have found a sort of simulator I will be using, and I will screenshot the results when need be))
  7. Monaco starts training its military for undisclosed operations.
  8. England offers alliance with Monace and Luxembourg.
    England makes some navil ships, but they are not very useful....
    England discovers a strange temple below the City, and archaeologists are sent in to explore.
  9. With the concentration camps of Germany fresh in the new German government's minds, Germany will be pushing for Progressia to take action to Stop this crime against humanity. I advise you to cease and desist or there will be more serious consequences.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  10. Monaco accepts alliance with England.
  11. Canada allows.
  12. After much thought and consideration North Korea had decided that they will let one representative into their nation to inspect camp #1 although if they attempt to do anything else we will do what we deem necessary.
  13. The US begin readying its army for training.
    We send several satellites into space, their intentions unknown.
  14. Monaco starts building lightly armoured tanks. it has also finished training its military for the operations
  15. USA begins readying a team, we ask if anyone else wishes to attend they speak now.
  16. the team that was sent in went MIA within minutes , and the government is worried. They evaucate a small area around the digsite, and send in another team and some troops, just incase.
  17. Monaco wants to attend
  18. England will also attend
  19. The team now contains:
    United States of America
  20. Only one person will be allowed into North Korea we do not care which country they are from but only 1 person.