EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. I needed to make a sig for my account on EqF, so I made this.
    Xxandster700xX and HylianNinja like this.

  2. I have more but these are a few recent ones. I'll upload more tomorrow :)
    Cannon 350D 28-200
  3. Some more snaps :) P.S. No edits made :)

  4. I just started making these sort of things (fractals) so they will PROBABLY get better with time. We shall see :)
    AlexHallon likes this.
  5. i love fractals
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  6. Very nice. You're quite the photographer, in my opinion.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  7. fractal.png
    mines not as good
  8. They're both good :p
    You have some nice photography skills. I quoted my 2 favourites :p
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  9. what program are you using?
  10. Apophsis 7x
  11. Hello everyone! New to the Empire, settling into my wilderness cottage on SMP5. Sketched up a little portrait of my Minecraft lass, thought this might be the place to share it!

  12. Some I took today.
    My 2nd cousin is in two shots

  13. A sketch?
    Really, just a sketch??
    I would love to see what an actual picture looks like.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. Here Is my Favorite Picture of all time i took it with my Cam. Not the one that i used with my Profile Pic My AWESOME ONE! My Puppy Pepper.jpg
  15. Ah, thanks!

    As for examples of my more polished work, here are some character portrait commissions I did last summer:

    I have more posted on my portfolio website and tumblr, which are linked in my sig :>
  16. Dude your work is AMAZING!
  17. Also I am trying to learn cinematography :)