Do you have a Bestfriend

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheRobotChicken, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Oh!!! And Ismooch, Ismooch is cool! :p
  2. Nicccccceeeeee Frieeeeeendssssss You Guysssss Got There... Ssssuuuuure would be a ssshaaaaaammmmeee if sssssomthing were to happen to them ssssssssssssssss-Boom
    My Best Friends are Penfoldex and Lukefd (IRL) NUBlackshirts27 Dajakoe, and Dragonorb18
  3. You sir, need work at the art of gray text... Use #2b2b2b :p
  4. I have 2 best friends
    Boy best friend is Redwing2000
    Girl best friend is Steven7485 (Meggie)
    Steven7485 likes this.
  5. The cupboard I call my room and the dust mites living inside of it are my best friends. Forever.
  6. Everyone is my friend :D
    Bilbo likes friendship :3
    southpark347 likes this.
  7. cddm95ace, because I know him irl. Other than that, Chris_flo hands down. Then all the TREES people
    cddm95ace likes this.
  8. The only person I have conversations and stuff here on EMC is Jade(Jcplugs). All of the other players I knew on SMP9 had left and the forum members hate meh D:
    Jcplugs likes this.
  9. If I had to choose some one it would be cadgamer101 he has taken care of my wild base for a long time!
    PRO_G4NGST4 likes this.
  10. Well; Uh.
    Gap542, Alexchance, Deathtomb8953, Penfoldex, Nfell2009, Rainbowchin,
    I don't know. everyone on here is nice.
    mba2012, penfoldex and RainbowChin like this.
  11. On EMC, like in real life, I have no friends.
    mba2012, Gap542 and RainbowChin like this.
  12. :)
    penfoldex likes this.
  13. JAKRES!!!!
    I have a craving to like all his posts :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. My best emc friend would most likely be Jackman64349(I think that's how you spell it)
  15. Seffychan, Fatandythegreat, Hxcami10, neonkillah, ladyjenova, corruptedsmile, codygraw101, and rdmaster are all awesome! Go smp8!

    Hurf is kinda cool too I guess :p
    HurferDurfer1 likes this.
  16. I have a lot of friends…:)
    Here's a quick list:
    WeirdManaico (IRL friend)
    Yogert_Slayer (IRL friend)
    All my LLO friends :D (Too many to list; you know who you are :) )
    And everyone else that I've met and became friends with. :)
    *If you really want to be on this list, PM me a well thought out reason :p
    mba2012 and Jcplugs like this.
  17. MVPdrose is definently my EMC best friend too :D
    MVPdrose likes this.
  18. My best friend would be AKing707, he is my best friend in real life and he has gone on many adventures with me, he has also helped me a lot on res 18067 on smp9 :)
  19. I must say, there is only one person that I do classified projects with and that is Onaj. So I guess he is my EMC Bestfriend . No one else really sees me ever. Or would even want to.
  20. Whaaaat. But you're awesome! :eek: