Do you have a Bestfriend

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheRobotChicken, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. I would have to say Seffychan, FatAndyTheGreat and, LadyJenova and than a handfull of other people I tolerate like.......taluke
    talukegord likes this.
  2. I guess the closest thing i have to a friend here on emc is deathtomb8953 though thats stretching it. All i do is say hi
  3. Not a single "thetrufflehunter" on any list :(
  4. Pssst. PM me a reason to put you on my list. :) (hint: Star…) ;)
  5. Big shout out to SMP4! represent! "sarcastic gangsta pose for the imaginary cameras"

    I dont have a best friend on EMC. I have mutual relations with me fellow SMP4ers! "cries in a cold shower" i get too wrapped up in my projects and i dont trust anyone to help me build on my res. Also im far too efficient when mining alone. :( :( This makes me a sad paranoid lonely panda!