----Chapter 2----Evil has a peculiar way of showing itself. In some it will take the form of actions. In others, words. But most of the time, even if we do not see it, Evil chooses physical form. And does the universe injustice in that way. Killing is as normal to Evil as eating is to us. Our world has seen its fair share of pronounced Evil. From the beings warping our own minds to do twisted acts, to Evil becoming a person to lead thousands in destructive conquests. The enjoy pain and suffering and take pleasure in the fact few can stop them. And one of those few are the Angels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I know this is a different color, but I plan on doing each a different color. I'll also be adding each chapter to the OP for the newcomers. QUESTION 2 Song: Evil Theme- Dutyfreak
I appreciate that. And yes I'm aware of how much more difficult it will be, but I do believe the reward will be great
This is gonna be really cool... I tell you if this is all original I'm extreme impressed because it's not bad at all.
this is amazing. It brings a tear to my eye when i read it, it shows the TRUE form of satan and his Evil.
It is NO WHERE NEAR finished, and I've been wanting to personify Evil for a LONG time. And something so Good to fight them!
just from reading the first two chapters, I can see that this will be amazing! also, if u want to fight evil, don't let it take over you. Stay close to God.
----Chapter 3----Two beings that had not stirred in a decade, were waking... Which some feared could mean that it would shift the balance of the War in Evil's favor. These beings were some of the darkest, most foul entities to ever walk the Universe. They ate worlds. Quite literally. They sucked all the good, hope, joy, and free thought out of planets. They were quite simply known as Distrugătors. This meant Destroyer in Romanian, which was the universal language. They were rising to join several others in a progression towards a planet... one known as Earth. Song: Kill Shock- Bloody Tears (Castlevania Remix) Question 3 I still need responses for the other questions!