Empire Firework

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hades4000, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. Oh! My apologies! I was rushing ^_^
  2. Simple solution to this. Make jobs more readily available and in higher demand.
    Perhaps a dedicated agency could be set up to allocate people to work that suits them in terms of the job and wages? There was once a venture named EMC Pro started by He Who Shall Not Be Named, but it flopped. We need something in-game that works.
    As for increasing demand for labour, we need more entrepreneurial talent to embark on large creative and mining projects.
    more projects = more demand for workers = higher wages = increasingly attractive opportunities to work as opposed to partaking in leisure
  3. There is no way 18K can have any impact at all on the EMC economy. If you don't like beggars, use the ignore feature. You are only making the situation worse by bringing attention to the thread with your arguing.
  4. It's a slippery slope, you know.
    One person begs for 18k and he gets it, signalling to others they could do the same.
    More work goes into begging than production within the economy.
    Nothing gets done, economy stagnates.
    Economic impact.

    Only thing I'm bringing attention to is my points. People are taking note and are now equipped to intercept similar situations like this.
    Lasluin likes this.
  5. *Chuckles and reminds herself not to argue with the 14 year old. Nods and smiles.*
  6. This is kinda getting out of hand. :confused:
    nick_godoy likes this.
  7. ill say
  8. People really need to stop jumping in on these threads. These threads, the unban me threads. Its one thing to try to offer a solution - in a nice way. Point someone in the right direction. It is not ok to scold people. It is the mods job to moderate, let them do it. They don't need your help.
    Michael_Nolan and sqiggleyjeff like this.
  9. Yep, I meant the cats from your signature, the meme cats. Tumblr is a microblogging site, famous for its cats and randomness.

    And I said "Maybe not this guy" because I know a thing or two about Internet discussions and I always try to keep all my arguments tied up xD Your turn.

    Oh, what a valid answer to a perfectly correct and well argumented post. When I read your last post in the thread I thought you were a different kind of person.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  10. first 72volt i dont want to think about the amount of times i have gone onto the servers and seen people asking for work but no one responding

    and lasluin if u think me giving beggars is so horrible think about the new people that would come onto the forums and ask for something only to get yelled at by people they may have been excited to play with, do u think this would encourage them to continue playing on the site? like melody said if you dont like the beggars then dont look at the post simple as that. also be respectful to other players.
    Daxter9133 and sqiggleyjeff like this.
  11. lol!
  12. How mature.
    Yeah, this topic needs to be closed.
  13. Ok at first I thought you were being funny and smart. You clearly haven't read a single word from my posts but I'm feeling generous and I'll invite you to reread them, point by point as you do:

    1) Where did I say it was "so horrible"? I just said you are not helping them enjoy the game, you are just making it easier and boring.

    2) Did I not add that I don't like people yelling at them? I did, a long paragraph for it I wrote, but as you do not read, you did not see it.

    3) Was it not stated that I wasn't bossing, telling or being serious to you? Oh yes it was, because even tho I thought you were smart and funny I thought you might take my words too serious. You did, quite a let down.

    And last but not least, if there is one thing I don't like and makes me quite angry is to be told "if you don't like it don't look at it". First because I will do whatever I want to do, thank you. And mostly because it's the stupidest and most useless argument, worst excuse ever. It does affect me because it's me who will have to stand beggars begging me and all others, not only here at the forums but also ingame, and I will have to ignore, as I already do, nearly half the server.

    So I will answer you with a similar response: if you like beggars, go make your own server where you can give them all the rupees you want, where everything is free and unlimited and where pigs can fly.

    I don't know why I even bother, you won't read a letter, I could have written the whole Mary Poppin's script and it would be the same. And as I don't want to get the mods having to tell us "guys stop arguing" I'm leaving it at this point.
  14. 1) i like merry poppins as it is a great memory for my early childhood memories XD
    2) thats fine if you want to stop this argument we have different opinions thats clear, and perfectly fine
    3) i did read all your post but i picked out some key points that i had different opinions about
    4) why would i go and make my own server when i love it here? i may have different opinions from others but that makes this server more fun.
    5) i have not gone on a server and seen more then 1 post about some one asking for ruppes at a time, there are some who like to ask for help building their house or hotel or store, but i think this is a way for people to meet other players.
    also i didnt know tumbler had cat memes ill have to check it out, i havent used tumbler before.
  15. *Facedesk*
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  16. i was jk...
  17. Oh, my apologies, if my arguments are really that terrible based on the fact that it's been 14 years since I was born, I would expect you should be able to counter them with ease ;)
    oremia, SoulPunisher and Iceraider14 like this.
  18. Taking a silk touch to iron and gold is kind of pointless because it would come out ore using any type of pickaxe as long as it can be mined with that level of pick...
  19. I have closed this thread.
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