Hey AlexChance... (And shop owners)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. My comment=joke (hence the :p) I don't understand people these days. >.<
    penfoldex likes this.
  2. this is great and all but i can tell mobs are odd. havent been back for long but they r spawning where they shouldnt and there is a TON of them, whats going on?
  3. Also going to be tweaked in 1.4.6 update for density.

    as for spawning in invalid places... vanilla bug.
    mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  4. Disagree, he is reverting his wrongs :p
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  5. while i was on other servers right before coming back u put a torch down and mobs didnt spawn but here i have put several stacks down and i still get a creeper in my house every now and then :/
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Creative servers don't count.
  7. i'm confused i had a four enchanted sword and nothing happened to it until i lost it in a mob arena. what happened that i missed?
  8. lol was a survival server
  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Grazie mille!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. What are the new density rules?
    Is it something like no more than 50 mobs in any given chunk, even if below the 250 cap ?
  11. Lol how sad is it that I only JUST saw this thread? But yay for name in title and MASSIVE YAY for fixed 3 enchantments! :D
  12. Something I've noticed, some enchanted items have their enchantment code cut off in the 4th line of a shop.

    I've typed in the item ID + enchantment code as shown using /iteminfo, but it reverts some items back to item name + enchantment code, thus cutting off the enchantment code. When I've set such shops up, the item is able to be sold but after some time, the shop doesn't recognise the item anymore.

    I've also tried selling an item with 4 enchantments, but it gives the "out of stock" message.

    I know there's an alternative way to sell items individually using [ slot # ], but sometimes I have quite a few of the same item in stock, and don't wish to change the item slot every time one of it is sold.
  13. Wait... you're on Stage but only have a 100r sign in bonus?... Something doesn't quite add up here...
    mba2012 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. No, its oviu. 100+stage=potato
  15. Aikar probably has his alt whitelisted on stage so things can be checked as to how they react with regular (non-staff) accounts/players. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  16. I thought that we would need to put in the item id instead of the name. xD
    but triple enchantments are much better!
  17. Yea! Time to sell my 20+ triple enchant gear!
  18. Like how EmpireMinecraft is whitelisted.