smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Fine, I hereby pass a motion abolishing the teams.
    As for the disproportionate amount of work, we'll have the labour well-divided and assign people to things based on their specialties for maximum efficiency. We'll have a few task forces, a Mining Task Force, a Farming Task Force, a Nether Task Force, and a Misc Taskforce, which will assign idlers to work at the LLO tree farms, the quarries, and doing courier duty (transporting goods from A to B, for ourselves and others for a small fee).
    The Taskforces will hold the expeditions.

    I've just had an idea, btw. I'll divide the LSCC into two factions, the Internal Directors, and the External Tradespeople. The Internal LSCC will be as I described, but the External LSCC shall be open for all, and will utilise part-time workers to assist us on expeditions. They shall receive a fixed wage, levied from the total group income, and it will be based on what they mine/gather for the internal Taskforces.
    Jakres likes this.
  2. I have a deciduously different approach, I'm heavily economic-orientated.
    I don't want to move too far away, because then nobody will join and I'll have the exact same problem I had with the SMP8 LSCC.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Its seems that you don't understand aer purpose out there at Last Light Outpost yet 72volt. Members aren't going to join a group just for the sake of collecting materials. This idea was like L0tad trying to make a Separate Economy from EMC "a Wild Economy" using a different kind currency to replace the Rupee. All it was an Idea and it stay an idea because after telling him numerous times that Wild is a part of EMC economy and trying to make a new one was waste of time for anyone trying to do it.

    So you are trying to use LLO name to forward your project sorry thats unacceptable in my mind and most others here. Sorry but if that your goal here please move a fair far distance from LLO and you can do your "Idea" there
  4. The solution there is to simply pledge not to blight the landscape, undermine (literally) 0ther people's properties, etc.
    Jakres likes this.
  5. If there's landscape you don't want me blighting, simply ask me not to blight it and I'll blight less beautiful landscape, that's how expansions will be done; with permission :)
    As for not undermining other people's properties, I'll not dig out the stone etc. directly surrounding their construction underground, I'll just quarry out unused space. I think it'll make constructions that extend into the ground easier, since one won't have to dig anything out.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. If opposition is as strong as you make it out to be, then me and Lotad will split off and make his ideal of a second economy.
    Jakres and L0tad like this.
  7. That was months ago he knows now how pointless and time wasted it would have been trying to do it.
    Jakres, mba2012, zulu9 and 1 other person like this.
  8. He approached me when I got here and offered me a partner position helping his idea come to fruition.
    If the LLO refuses to accommodate me, me and Lotad shall make his secondary economy. It won't be how you patronize it to be,
    Jakres and L0tad like this.
  9. I'm not Patronizing the idea. The idea is a foolish one he wanted it to Rival EMC economy, which would never happen because you would have to get members to use that currency and keep them on it and them not using the Rupees system at all.
    Jakres, mba2012 and L0tad like this.
  10. I have mad my 2000th post so I can post again. But this looks exactly like what the L0tad vs. LLO debate was like. But one funny thing I see is Dwight describing how the LLO bashed L0tads ideas and the posts get liked by L0tad.
    Jakres, zulu9 and L0tad like this.
  11. Actually dwight, i planed to use the rupee system...

    And i dont know what side to take, I have no plans to "branch off". I want to make another large outpost, on the north continent, devoted to economics only, so you guys are left alone. Us lunatics get to start a wild economy, and you guys are left alone, a Win-win-win(the third win is it was going to have a lava wall).

    It is a later project, i have gangnam to work on now
    Jakres, zulu9, 72Volt and 1 other person like this.
  12. Another L0tad V llo, and this time, i am not doing anything, btribble, please pass the popcorn
    zulu9, Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  13. Personally, I'd prefer we do branch off, and start our own system. I recently read a book about currency exchange and have a well-increased knowledge of supply and demand between currencies, so I'd like to start a currency as well.

    I have two ideas for the currency:
    1. A multi-tier item-based commodity currency. Lowest denomination of the currency is item x, followed by item y (which is equal to 10x), followed by item z (which is equal to 10y and 100x) and potentially also an item w (equal to 10z, 100y, and 1000x).
    2. A representative currency made up of Books+Quills. Basically, we decide an item to standardize the currency with, such as Gold Ingots, Diamonds, or Nether Stars. People come to us with all their diamonds and such and exchange it for a wildnote, a written book with the number of diamonds/ingots it was exchanged for on the first line, and a randomly generated number on the second line, which is also stored along with the first line info in a Google Drive-based database for me and you to access and update. All diamonds/ingots go to the reserve, and we'll guarantee anyone who can produce a non-forged Book the number of diamonds/ingots specified on the Book, meaning it has a value. We'll also change books specifying 64 Diamonds into 2 books specifying 32 Diamonds, so people have enough change so they don't have the resort to bartering. After a while, we'll stop pegging the books to Diamonds, and make it a fiat currency.
    As for the outpost itself, I want this not just to be an outpost, but an entire nation, with a flag, a capital, a corporate democratic legislature (based on the most successful business in each constituency area) who make the laws and run the government, and of course a laissez-faire economy, where investment of capital and other financial activities may not be frowned upon as it is in Town.
    An economic Utopia.
    Jakres and L0tad like this.
  14. In minecraft servers other currencies don't work because you need advanced control over it. To make another successful currency in EMC you would need to be in either Justin or aikars position. Lets leave it at that and wait for me to say that I have completed the stadium(hopefully coming in the next week.).
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Ah, but this is different, you see. This is pegged to a commodity standard, and with the free market the currency has huge potential to become the first ever player-created serious currency in Empire Minecraft.
    Jakres and L0tad like this.
  16. The problem is there has to be someone to give this person the amount of money. No automated system. No easy /currency ect. It just won't work.
    Jakres and L0tad like this.
  17. *Going back a bit*

    The reason your wild camp never got off the ground is because it was to complex. All a wild camp needs to be, is a camp, in the wild. The LLO is still this, just a lot bigger.

    *And back to now*

    A player made currency would never work, because it would never leave the system until it gets thrown in lava or despawns, so you would get mass inflation in the first week.
    Jakres, L0tad, zulu9 and 2 others like this.
  18. There is someone to give the person the money. The economy relies on the diamond reserves, so we just need diamond mining operations constantly running and the miners exchanging their diamonds for wildnotes to kickstart the currency.

    It wasn't that complex, all anyone had to do was work and get the weekly dividend.

    As for inflation, we'll just up the standard system, so if it inflates, we'll give people (for example) 0.8 diamonds per 1 prescribed on the notes. This will balance everything out.
    Jakres likes this.
  19. But people don't go to wild camps to do work for the owner, they go because they want to go out and explore. If it had just been a simple camp, and MAYBE you payed them for bring you stuff, instead of having big operations and then paying them, it would have worked better.

    But then, people can still just get the money on their own, and inflate it more. So really, it would never end.