So sad and Disgusting!!!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MR2R2M, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. Ok good. I was like "woah!"
    jamesg003 likes this.
  2. Remove their hands, or better yet, their thumbs, because the retards of the world obviously want us to go back to being wild animals. They should gather one criminal that deserves to be severely punished, and punish him live in front of the world, that would do something.
  3. That sounds a lot like the Middle East....
  4. Well I'm not quite sure where you live, but I personally have not seen any or heard of any killings on live TV.
  5. We all should be thankful that we have life, food, and everything you have. People are starving, getting killed, and more. I don't think killing innocent kids is right. Nobody thinks that its right. If I give a honest opinion of this lunatic, I think that he is not only mentally ill but a retard in every way.

    In the news letter, I think they said that he was a socially awkward person. Anti social, under the radar, yeah, that kind of thing.
  6. As a UK citizen I have very little contact with firearms, in fact in my, almost, 40 years I have never seen a firearm that was not state controlled (military or armed police). Do I feel inadequately protected because I can't have a gun? No, because the criminal that I would likely encounter also doesn't have a gun. Why does the criminal not have a gun? Because he knows his victim will not have a gun so why spend £1000+ (1600+ USD) on a illegal gun that is not needed when a £5 knife will give you the upper hand.

    There is also the availability of illegal guns. I hear the argument that banning legal guns will not hinder those who use illegal guns. Where do these illegal guns come from? In the UK they need to be smuggled in at high risk to the smuggler. In the US they will be legal guns that have been likely stolen then sold to a fence by a drug addict needing their fix. Removing the legal guns will cause the number of illegal guns to drop and the price of these guns to increase. There will become a point when the cost of obtaining a illegal gun and the consequences of getting caught with one will outweigh the need for a criminal to carry one. The problem is the US has so many illegal guns that it would be decades before they reached the point where illegal guns become scarce during which time criminals could operate carte blanche. So banning legal guns would not be a good idea.

    I do not know US law well enough to know what the punishment is for being caught carrying an illegal gun but maybe it should be drastically increased to level where criminals fear getting caught with a gun. Although harsh sentences do not prevent drugs being readily available.

    I personally think that an incident would have had occurred on Friday whether guns were available or not. The outcome may have differed but I think the gunman's intentions was to wreck as many others lives as possible, be it the way it did occur or by him driving a car into a group of people.
    MR2R2M, mba2012, HylianNinja and 3 others like this.
  7. Such words of wisdom! :)
  8. I see your point, but is hunting a very popular sport IN the UK? Because here in the US, it is. If you ban pistols and "assault" rifles, i think the criminals will just go to hunting weapons. A sawed-off semi-auto hunting shotgun would be extremely harming in a school. The guns this man used were actually not very powerful. There are many hunting revolvers that are much more powerful than what he used. So as long as hunting is huge in the US, gun control wont be as effective as it would in prime conditions.
  9. So my schools having this thing where we wear Green and White to show support to the family's. Yep, just that. I guess the leadership kids (Pretty much student council) didn't think that a money drive wouldn't help them..
  10. Not live but i think the video of momar kadafi being shot and killed was put out in media, or at least him being beaten brutaly infront of a car. I cant remember but im pretty sure it was. But what your talking about would be Communist scare tactics, and personally I like living in a country where there aren't public executions in town squares. There is the Death Penalty which I support, but people aren't forced to watch those.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. The Syrian government posts videos on youtube of dead enemies, their bodies, and close ups of their faces. They are a bunch of sick bastards over there.
  12. This world is a sad place.
  13. Me and my friend had a heated debate about this. Making guns illegal will just cause more problems and anyone who wants to do something illegal with a gun will find an illegal way to get a gun. People don't just do shit like this for no reason. They become celebrities. You probably all know his name, Adam Lanza, right? Now name one of the kids... Don't worry I'll wait... The media publicizes these events so much that instead of just offing themselves an alley or something they want to go out "in style". These people are batshit crazy but know that their name will be immortal if they commit mass murder. There is no real way to stop it other than maybe better security at schools? or maybe regular mental health checks? Those are ways to prevent tragedies after the damage is done, but we all know we must stop it from the source; That source is bullying and child abuse. Name a school shooter, odds are he was bullied or had piece of shit parents. But when you think about it, there's no real way to stop it. It is human nature to make yourself dominant, but it is a persons personality that defines HOW dominant they assert themselves to be. Or parents, we can't help if they're not fit to care for a child. You may say, "Ohh just make it harder to acquire guns!' Really? Really? I've seen this point made many times in this thread, just because it's illegal doesn't mean it vanished. Or "Oh that's easy, make schools more secure!" By what, checking every students back or having metal detectors? No, too much money wasted, too many ways to get through it. There's only one way to stop this, STOP PUBLICIZING MASS MURDERERS!!! Remember the victims, not the monster. Pray for the kids, and never mention the names Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Seung-Hui Cho, or Charles Whitman ever again. If you dont know who some of these people are, I thank the media for not drilling their name into your head and giving the shooter exactly what he wanted.
    jkjkjk182 and Daxter9133 like this.
  14. I don't know where we are but just to let people know who thinks that it's allot easier to disarm citizens of their firearms or ban firearms. It's not that easy, there's a part of the constitution that people have the right to bear arms. However the government can make it difficult for people to earn weaponry. But still that won't stop the person who is planning an attack.

    You shouldn't be concerned or fear people with guns, you should be concerned about people that are insane, people who are trapped inside their own head and cannot control their own actions. People that are insane should be taken care of not ignored.
  15. The fact that people are allowed to own automatic weapons should be ringing alarm bells with any sane person.

    In Scotland, after the Dunblane shootings, we changed our laws to ban handguns and have tighter controls on rifles and shotguns.

    America needs to start with the basics and outlaw automatic weapons, then look at working backwards from there.

    There is no argument for allowing a member of the public to own an automatic weapon. If they want to use one, they can go to a licensed range and hire one out for the afternoon.

    Regardless though, America has gone too far in one direction and it's pretty much unrecoverable now. The fact people are putting forward the argument for school teachers to be armed, should be enough of a sign to emigrate somewhere else.
  16. I couldn't agree with you more. Great post!! :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. Also, its quite apparent from this that talking to americans about this is like talking to a break wall. They are so determined their ways with guns are the right ways that they are unable to see it from an outside perspective. Americans, you should understand that the rest of the world sees that you have serious issues concerning this and many things. With all due respect maybe you need to start cleaning up your act eh...
  18. Yeah just to say, a LOT(slight exaggeration) of people in Australia think Americans are crazy because they all walk around with guns.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  19. Got to have a CCW permit to do that and around 45 days to 6 months to get depending on the paper work and also must be 21 or older to apply for one in Texas laws vary state to state. Me personal don't have one don't have that kind of money to be buying a handgun or a top of line Rifle.
    jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
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