Who would you trust with your account?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by PRO_G4NGST4, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. Two Words;
  2. Only one person: me
  3. LoL in return for some funny comments and likes on my earlier post.

    Attached Files:

  4. Not even _Stads_?
    _Stads_ and IamSaj like this.
  5. I trust you guys.
    jay2a likes this.
  6. I tried it, didn't work. Jk.
  7. It's my password to my safe + iPhone
  8. Ahh but did you not know of my alt _5tads_? I said no one, but I am two :p
  9. I would trust my pig army, they can be a handful at sometimes, but they are some nice piggehs. :)
  10. i would trust s hobo
  11. Every person besides Crazy1080 he's evil. He's sadistic. He has BO.
    mba2012, PandasEatRamen and penfoldex like this.
  12. Yeah that's not at all what I meant.
  13. Me too. Not IceCreamCow for sure. Hes GameKribJeremy.
  14. Speaking of passwords…I just remembered that I completely forgot my password to EMC. :oops:
  15. Haha, i have forgoten mine 5 times:)
    penfoldex likes this.
  16. I don't remember any of mine... I use a password generator to create my passwords, and then I store them in Firefox' password manager. I have set up Firefox sync, and I regularly take manual backups of the password list, so I shouldn't lose them ever, but... it also means I can't really log in anywhere except for on my own computer and devices. :p On the other hand, I've never had an account hacked. I suppose it would take somebody a while to crack a password that is 63 characters long that has a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols, lol. :p
  17. That sounds like my wifi key.
  18. But I might trust you...

  19. I'm a road ninja I go on my path alone