Who would you trust with your account?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by PRO_G4NGST4, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. The only one who knows my account is me. I know 3 others, my brothers, and 2 friends.They had their passwords lying around, so, you know.
  2. No one knows my passwords for any account, I seem to know my cousins, brothers, parents, and even my next door neighbour
  3. Yoyomanthaboss
  4. I'd be comfortable with my wife using my account. Other than she, no one.
  5. My alts :)
    mba2012 and Maxarias like this.
  6. Smart man
  7. sure, when hell freezes over
  8. Nobody.... not even my brother...
  9. what about yuri? you have trusted people in teh past. i would give my account to no one but you. only person i can trust. ( if this hurts anyones feelings im sorry )
  10. Do you not trust the mods?... Im not saying i would let them have my account details, but you make it sound like they are terrible...
  11. Well, let me put it this way, would you trust any member of the police with your bank card PIN? It's sort of the same thing.
    oidgod and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. True, but if i had to trust anyone (besides family), it would probably be the mods. I just pointed it out cause it looked like he absolutely hated them:/
  13. I think that some mods REALLY abuse their powers yet everyone thinks that they are soooooooooo cool.
  14. Like?
  15. Well I dont really want to say any names.
  16. Yuri didn't have access to that alt at any time, he had a remote connection to my computer where all he could do was change perms, that I could (and did) cut off at any time. The only reason he had that was because I didn't feel up to doing so for a little while. I would NEVER give someone complete, unmonitored access to an account, even IRL.

    To be honest, looking back, I shouldn't have even given out that small period of perm control access.
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  17. Well, theres none, sooo . . .
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. So... what you are saying is that you know people who "shouldnt" have been banned? Because thats as far as their powers really reach. Well! Even if a mod abused their power, the player who had been "hurt" could complain against that decision to IcC or another mod. If it had been real abuse, it would have been overturned. You see what i am saying? Mods cant abuse their powers and be successful because of the other mods. The only way they could be abusively successful is if the whole team was bad. Which they arent. If you think a mod's decision is bad, go whine to IcC. Dont defame them in public because you are confused...
  19. I'm just gunna say that ANY member of staff who asked for the password to your account would be abusing their power. The staff will not and can not ask for your password, and you should never give it them.
  20. Mods don't just moderate players, they also moderate the other staff. It would be next to impossible for a mod to abuse their power and not get caught - although if you do have a legitimate reason for concern, you're more than welcome to let IcecreamCow know via forum PMs. :)
    penfoldex and jkjkjk182 like this.