one kid at my school left a briefcase alone in the library (it was for a dressup day) and they couldnt identify whose it was so they called the bomb squad and when they opened it they found a toy car and his report. classic day.
What is wrong with your school? First the airsoft gun thing, and now this? Did you eat it? (OFF-TOPIC: Colorado brofist!)
My school is prone to fire. Last year, students set the bathroom on fire multiple times. This year a Welder set the locker room on fire. LOVELY.
Some kids are just pure idiots. One kid thought it would be funny to put razor blades in one of the pizzas at my school. While it could have been tragic, everything turned out ok when the moron who put the blades in ended up eating that slice of pizza and pretty much destroyed his own tongue! The best part of all is that he can barely talk anymore, because he has such bad scar tissue. Just wait, this kid in the OP will get his Karma.
If you want to see idiots in their prime, come to my school. Its all swag, yolo, and Gangnam style, all of this together, makes me want to duck tape someones mouth closed.
This kid at my school once got in a lot of trouble (I dont know what happened to him/her, but Im pretty sure it was bad) for selling energy drinks and 5-hour energies to 7th graders.
who eats lunch at school.....just saying or is it better food at your state schools or you just eat the school food
There are jerks in every walk of life. Some just start (or get caught, perhaps?) earlier than others. This thread makes me think of this recent article I read about idiots who point laser pointers at air planes and helicopters.
When I was in High School the F.F.A (Future Farmers of America) used to go on field trips and would sneak alcohol into their drinks. They managed to do this for years and only got caught my Junior year when the teacher mistakenly grabbed someone else's soda and took a sip. We also had kids in The National Beta Club who decided it would be totally awesome to sneak out of their hotel rooms and go get alcohol. They returned in time to get caught by one of the girls' mom who was chaperoning. As for kids doing stupid things that don't deal with Booze: My sixth grade year I had a kid in my English class take a paper clip and unwind it, then bent it stuck an end into an electrical socket. Another kid thought it was funny and told him to "lick the other end and stick it in there" when he touched the paper clip sparks flew.
Well a 14 year old girl made brownies and stuffed the middle with cleanly detergent and gave it to 2 young boys. Attempted murder
The detergent was pink, so it looked like strawberries :/ and she did itt because of a argument. EDIT: and she sent it as a truce.
"Chocolate Strawberries and Cream flavor" I have honestly never been so mad at someone I put something in their food :/