smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. That's like dropping a kid off at Disney too much going on at once lol
    Jakres, IamSaj, shavingfoam and 3 others like this.
  2. Well unfortunatly, my interent wasn't able enough to maintain a stable connection to EMC so I couldn't find my friend.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. My post was directed at everyone in general who continues to post in this thread that they are building something and yet the entire place lays in shambles. Now before anyone says "Oh but you could repair stuff" I am not placing ONE block until it looks like people are actually working to repair anything. I don't want to be the only one repairing anything. As for "Omg y make stuff outta wood, taht's asking for trouble!" What else are we supposed to use? Dirt? Sand? Pineapples? Glass? Dunno, but we used what fit and was available to us at the time. We were fine when we had under 30 members, now that we have "OVER 9000!" as Vegeta says, stuff just gets griefed all the time. The wool on the tracks, wooden houses etc was the easiest things to get because they grow back. Stone does not. Neither does sand or glass. As for "I sure hope these rules were posted elsewhere!" They were posted in this thread numerous times. There was no need to post it on the website because nobody reads it. It's also common sense to not burn down a jungle or rip out parts of it, I believe this was posted on the site but either way...

    It's also been stated that you DO NOT tear down anyone's structures, homes etc. without permission. Say something happens and I'm gone offline for a bit, unable to tell anyone, I come back and someone has taken over my house or knocked down something of mine and put their stuff there? Of course I'm going to be mad. I was busy IRL unable to properly get on and having to deal with glitches in EMC, I come back to find people are trying to knock down others' stuff or are and building whatever they want. If you go behind the guest house into the jungle there are mine, Curundu's and Secret's homes. In front of mine was the patch of jungle in front of our homes to keep it jungle-ish. There's now the start of a rail line there.

    If I'm coming across as chewing anyone out I'm sorry you're reading it that way. I'm just saying that if I had tried to do or even did any of the stuff I've mentioned going on I'd be reported for griefing and banned.

    Live Long and Prosper :3
    zulu9, Jakres, Sanargama and 4 others like this.
  4. Thank you, Pandas for your long, truthful rant. I honestly don't see why we aren't repairing. The outpost is falling into shambles. Creepers everywhere. District 10 and the desert is in ruins because of unlit places. I was recently killed by a swarm of creepers losing a FULL, NEW DIAMOND set. I strongly support repairs first. I need to go mining but then I'll be lighting up everywhere. I can't die this many times in two days. 14 deaths.
    zulu9, Jakres, Runewulf and 1 other person like this.
  5. I am trying to work out some way of getting the community together and having fun while fixing the place. But with all the EMC glitches it is not worth it.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Ok. I am going to propose making an LLO Master Plan to work out how we can successfully rebuild, expand and protect the LLO. I am going to a lot of community consultation and I hope that the end result will result in a better, happier outpost.
    Jakres, Bu11dawg and ZBSDKryten like this.
  7. Wish you luck, it maybe just because of time differences (ie I'm BST), but these days I rarely see many, if any, folk on LLO when I'm on e.g. just now there is ONE person on the whole of smp7. I'm afraid all the bugs, crashes coinciding with going back to school, college etc. has decimated the Empire :(
    Jakres, mba2012 and Dwight5273 like this.
  8. Like Pandas and others have said, the main rule is: do not destroy or modify other people's creations without their permission. We also have a sort of informal rule of not destroying the jungle. You can build tree houses, but don't cut down any of the trees. Sorry if that wasn't made clear.

    That's a good assumption to have. People can be very protective of their work, so our policy is: do not modify other people's creations--even if it was obviously griefed. However, if you see griefing damage to public places like the Guest House or rail lines, please do not hesitate to fix the griefing damage as best you can!!

    Thanks for spending time on the repairs. Unfortunately, griefing is a fact of life in Minecraft. Hopefully, the LLO can get some of those new dragon eggs when they come out so we can protect our land from griefers. But for the time being, our mantra remains unchanged: "Dont let the griefers win!"

    I would say: just post your plans here first. :D. The post office was built by Zulu, I don't think he would have a problem with you repairing/improving it (you can quote me on that :D). Like Pandas said, the LLO is all about community and communication. Otherwise, we would all be playing in town or just playing single player!! :)

    It's gonna look fantastic. Can't wait until it's done! :D
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  9. Blaaaargghghgh RAINBOOOWS :3
  10. I still think this has the EMC record for longest thread doesn't it?
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  11. Si seƱor
    Jakres, mba2012 and Chascarrillo like this.
  12. So first off, sorry to push your buttons the way I apparently have. I will try to respond with constructive rather than combative answers.

    I have a couple of chests of cobblestone that can be baked and/or crafted into something prettier. I will ferry some of it to one of the chests in town. Also, there are a couple of cobblestone generators around, so stone is also a "renewable resource". I've seen a few chests here and there with cobblestone in them. Sand is of course a little more limited, but I have a couple double chests on SMP6 filled with it that I can vault over.

    I personally haven't touched much jungle (none near city centre) and I have replanted some areas where it was clear cut needlessly. I will assume this was someone else? If you can screen cap the spot, I can tell you for sure, and help repair it. BTW, on the previous post about the rail line cutting through an animal pen, was that an underground pig pen near an empty room labeled "baby wolves" or something? If so, that may in fact have been me, and sorry again if so. On a semi-related topic, any such animal pens are likely to be affected by EMC's changes to mob spawn. I don't know how this will impact stuff like this. There is a secret chicken farm down below this area that has a hundred or so chickens in it. That is certainly going to be affected by the change and someone should probably harvest some of them before that happens.

    Again, pics would help. I don't know if any this is directed at my efforts. I'm happy to help resolve any changes you are unhappy with. Up to and including the complete reversal of any construction efforts I have made.

    Oh? Have LLO members been reported to EMC by other members? Seems like there's more back-story here? I demand juicy details! (and popcorn)
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  13. I filled the chest here labeled "cobblestone" with just that:

    (also fixed a whole bunch of blowed' up pavement around here.)
    It looks like the guest house has been repaired again. Thanks to whomever did that.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  14. Something completely unrelated to your post, but why are you lvl 44?
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. That's years son. And it is because you can't stop father time.
    Jakres, mba2012 and ZBSDKryten like this.
  16. btribble he means your Minecraft experience level...
    Jakres, PandasEatRamen and mba2012 like this.
  17. LOL
    Jakres, PandasEatRamen and mba2012 like this.
  18. I have just gotten a reply from eclipsys and he says that we can use stone and stone slabs to make the guesthouse less flammable. He also said we can fell free to expand it in any direction we want other than up. So I am going to start very soon by erecting my signature scaffolding around the building and then expanding the building over the top of the general store which I will stock for the first time very soon. I hope people are ok with thus.
    Jakres and Bu11dawg like this.
  19. I never said you pushed any buttons. I quoted your post to explain what I was getting at as you seemed to get mad at my posts. I just continued on with what I had to say as people go crazy if you double post.

    When I talk about people touching the jungle that's something I try to remind EVERYONE. I wasn't pointing at YOU in general. I was trying to be nice but here I'll go and say it. There's a start to an underground rail line in the jungle in front of my tree house in place of my animal pen that has mba's name on it. As for someone's baby wolves and crapload of chickens, I couldn't tell you.

    I haven't had any issues with what you are doing, I don't think I've ever seen/worked with you in LLO. I even apologized that you took my posts a way I didn't mean for them to be taken. I have a tendency to speak my mind on matters and apparently it offends.

    We have had people falsely accuse other members of things and tell them they were going to report them, other members have griefed things in the outpost etc.

    Again, my apologies if I stepped on toes.
    Jakres likes this.
  20. Here's my $.02 (two cents) :) GRIEFERS SUCK! Now that's out of the way.

    I'm new and I have no idea what stuff used to look like. I have also been blown up several times in LLO. So, I'm going around lighting everything up & fixing/adding where I can. I've been sticking to the existing rail areas because it's pretty easy to figure out where track and stone bricks used to be, etc. I'm usually hidden on the map, but I'll start unhiding. PM me if you see me on the map; I would be happy to help you repair something. I'm handy with a pick and I've been messing with redstone (like a cobblestone generator), so I too will aim to keep cobble, stone, etc in good supply.

    I agree with mba2012. There needs to be something in writing or documented somewhere. The current sites are good sources of info, but they could be better; No offense! :) As others have mentioned, we're all (hopefully) logging out & doing things IRL from time to time. Things might run more smoothly if information was available in more than just word-of-mouth form; i.e. the LLO site, the web notepad, more pictures.

    I will do my best to not step on anyone's toes. Please tell me if I offend you or get something wrong so that I have a chance to make it right.

    zulu9, Jakres, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.