Business what?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MissKells, Jun 24, 2012.


Do you like this idea?

Yes 46 vote(s) 86.8%
No 2 vote(s) 3.8%
Doesn't Matter to me. 5 vote(s) 9.4%
  1. Ok, dont worry to much about the webs advert in the footer. Its considerably subtle compared to what most free hosts would do.
    If you need any help let me know. :)
  2. Thanks for the help. I checked and removing the footer is only available if you pay a monthly fee, which I could do in the future but not yet. I believe I have fixed all the issues possible that I can. Here is the new URL:
  3. Good job! You've url masked the tk domain too.
    The next step would be SEO (search engine optimization) which involves making your site search engine friendly and 'getting to the top of google' but I'm not sure it's really needed for this site because you are only really aiming it at a small audience. (emc)
  4. Right, I think that I don't need to do that next step because it is aimed at EMC, the only gripe now is that the website title in the tab bar still says buisnesses, I think I'll work on that now. I think it is almost time to major post this.
  5. Chaning the title of the site is easy.
    Just add this code somewhere in the head of the document (if webs lets you do that):
    <title>Website Title</title>
  6. From what I've seen so far, I like what ya'll have been doing.
    As soon as I can figure out all the admin stuff, I can have Mike and Daffy work on EMCPro. And I apologize for somewhat abandoning this, it's just that it's terribly hard to work with Copher atm.
    Kells18 likes this.
  7. I started on a buisness website thing to.. i have no idea why i didnt do this earlier xP
  8. Lol, I guess I'm involved with this now then :p

    I've never seen the original EMCPro nor how it worked. Is it a forum style thing?
    If I got involved I would be happy to code from scratch a system similar to the EMC Shop Database that lets users browse through different businesses and submit their own business by filling out a form. I don't know what you think?
  9. If you remembered all of our hype about it, it was like the shop database... Except more complicated and with the job idea integrated. I can't do anything with it yet, I have to get ahold of copher first.
  10. Ok, is there a web address that I can take a look at?
  11. So, long story short, we're starting from scratch with EMCPro. I need someone who knows what they're doing.
  12. So nobody notices this error?
  13. I know PHP and could do a lot of the functional code behind the mechanics of the site.
    Can you tell me exactly what you want and then I can make a start.
  14. Erm what language is it going to be in? I know Java and a bit of c++, but other then that...
  15. There not web languages. I suggest ou read up a little on html.
  16. Kells18 likes this.
  17. lol I spent like a week on this :p I am so glad you guys like it !
  18. Kells18 likes this.