Ugh. Oh well. If you read Terrs post, it should make sense. You had the posions, and the better boats at same time, is what he is saying.
Romanis finishes pottery and starts researching how to hit enemies from far away with sharp things. Also Romanis begins training there army to be better with tin weapons.
Red Korea Finally finishes research on the Horsehair whip. Red Korea Starts Research on: Stables Sand Blinding Technique (with whip) And Poor Fishing Rods
Romanis' port is ready for trade. Romanis begins making the buildings within it's capital huge and pretty, as well as making new houses, this will take 15 turns
1. You didnt domesticate horses yet. 2. You do not have the knowledge of forgin Iron 3. One research at a time. 4. Tactics do not count as research. It is like training. Terr, we already have bows and arrows, as well as javlins. XD Ill begin research at a new boat, the sloop! We begin building a new town, near the capital, to help house the population. So we are building houses, a fishery, fruit farm, barracks, small port, small forge, and a large wheat farm. It will be done next page. Also, I am abolishing the rule stating how you invented it. We were not even listening to it anyway.
I know I was just starting research into stuff that is easier for people to use, not nesscearily crossbows but that's my inspiration, but if you say so I will change it to learning how to make snares to trap animals do we have that?
Okay. You can make it a primtive crossbow. So it doesnt have the added power that a normal crossbow does, just the aiming.
Okay. You can make it a primtive crossbow. So it doesnt have the added power that a normal crossbow does, just the aiming.