Chassyland -Starting area: A volcanic jungle island in the South-East of the world, it is populated by an ancient tribe called the Sasks. They live underground and seem very primitive as they paint war tatoos in their skins and do human and animal sacrifices, but there are columns of steam rising from the depths of the island... They also eat a strange, sweet "fuzzy" fruit called rambut, wich is believed to have medicinal properties. -Bonus tech: Poisons, mining technology and metallurgy. -Main exports: Dyes, iron, gold, flint, coal, exotic wood, poisons, ivory, manufactured weapons and volcanic stone (such as obsidian and netherrack.) -Starting buildings: Four coal mines, eight gold mines and eleven iron ones; a shipyard, some houses, and a temple for the Goddess of the Volcano Ksahc, (in the top of the highest volcano of the island.)
Natives of Chassyland are surprised by the skin color of the oidians and take them for gods. Also the oidians receive a lot of netherrack from Chassyland.
Chassyland begins research in how to tame snakes. Chassyland begins exploring the hidden caves in the underground of the island.
Nation's name: Twilight Starting area: Large plains on an island in the north of the world. Bonus Tech: Battle Ships, Maps, Wooden Clubs Main exports: Iron, Diamonds, Gold, Beer, and Coal Starting buildings: A ship Dock, A capital building for government meetings, barracks to shelter soldiers.
Chassyland is surprised by the arrival of new "gods" and agrees. Chassyland finishes researching in how to tame snakes and now the most experienced shamans of the island have snakes as pets. Chassyland discovers 4 new caves with a lot of valuable minerals in them: gold and iron.
No cannons. No primitive gunpowder. Primitvie gunpowder was first made in around 7000-8000 ahead of us. It would just blow up the rock, and shard of crap would go everywhere anyway, since the gold would explode as well. Also, mind you, ALL RESEARCH TAKES ONE PAGE!My research is complete. My building is complete. We begin making a new club, by attaching obsidian point to the sides of them, making it sort of look like the words most deadly baseball bat. We wish to ally Rome.
Also charge, Tin working falls Under metalurgy, which was my bonus tech, Notice how I didnt take that far to able to work iron and smelt steel and such. Remove that from your list. Twilight, Romanis already has battleship. Remove that from your list. Honestly did you guys even read the thread? -.-
Natives of Chassyland don't know how to smelt iron and gold, they just mine it. They craft weapons from ivory, wood and bones.
Chassyland begins research in ultra-advanced robots paper made with plants. Chassyland wants to ally with Oidia and sends 100 bottles of rambut wine in a little ship.