+katy shop closure update

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by KatydidBuild, Jul 22, 2024.

  1. Hello.

    I have made the decision to close smp8 +katy due to irl demands on my time and the continued construction. Part of this decision was made so that my Minecraft time does not result in burn-out from my multiple projects needing completed. I will be working at an outpost or survival when I want to just Minecraft for fun.

    A small portion of this choice was made due to some players hating on my shop's style and using 2 residence to create the entire shop. I don't care if you hate my shop (for whatever reason) because noone is forcing you to visit my shop. The Haters have not been bullying me, that seems to be a misunderstanding somewhere that I would like to clarify. I am just tired of responding to them.

    the Elemental shop is sorted by the Minecraft elements, which will be better represented in the new teleport center (once it is built) and each section will be color coded in the sorter system, which is the expansion of the shop that allows for some items to be bought and sold in larger quantities, directly from the sorter. The Shoppes at ground level will all have remote signs for a quick shopping experience. As it is, the current sorter has a few details to be worked out and then the second layer needs built under it. Unfortunately the sorter is only half done at this time.

    When completed, the sorter will be doubled on both residences, but should allow for easy location of nearly all survival game blocks and items. The Ground-level Shoppe will still be available for the boutique shopping experience. Anyone wishing to sell items to the shop will find that the additional signs on the sorter provide more quantity options.

    While the shop is down, I wish to remind you that there are wonderful shops on every smp! Check Yix's list if you need help locating one. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/shop-directory.86037/

    As for my shop... That's been the plan. Next comes the Work.
    If you wish to continue to shop at +katy despite the construction issues, you may ask for perms on an individual basis.
  2. <saved for further updates>
    We3_MPO and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  3. Thank you for the update. :)
  4. Thank you. I love your shop by the way. :D
  5. i love your shop and i didn’t know where to shop outside of yix’s when i needed stuff yesterday. can i get individual perms :3
    Envine, KatydidBuild and ultipig like this.
  6. You have the best shop on EMC by a mile. I hope it's not gone for long.
    Sharpie42, We3_MPO and KatydidBuild like this.
  7. Agreed :)
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  8. I love your shop! You can tell how much thought and effort is put into it!
    Don't let a few players ruin the fun for ya just keep doing what you want! 🐐🫶
    We3_MPO and fadedmartian like this.
  9. we3_10ac, fadedmartian, bralukie
    have perms now.

    Just tell me which account needs them and I can add it next time I log in. Thanks for the support.
    bralukwie, fadedmartian and We3_MPO like this.
  10. Heya Katy! Can I get perm to :D I always love selling or buying stuff that isnt commonly sold at other shops!
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  11. I'm in-game the most on We3_10AC, but either account works. I don't technically need perms. Thanks for the offer anyways, though! I'm here for you! No hater trashes your shop on my watch!
    KatydidBuild, Sharpie42 and ultipig like this.
  12. i have always liked your shop and i know that i could of helped more when i was the manager guy for it. i always try to point people to your shop and have tried to keep it stocked. but you do what you need to do to make it so you dont get burnt out. i know how that is it sucks.
    KatydidBuild and We3_MPO like this.
  13. your shop is great and we hope you dont get burn out....we dont want to lose you from the EMC family

    QuantumBeane QuantumPeck and QuantumWoo would love to continue to buy and sell
    We3_MPO and KatydidBuild like this.
  14. you are still ManagerGuy, nobody gets fired :D

    If I am not online, you can set move/shop perms for the shops
    We3_MPO, ultipig and Sharpie42 like this.
  15. done
    plus thatboostedwrx
    We3_MPO likes this.
  16. Just was heading there in need of some of your well farmed loot! I am saddened that folks can't keep their criticism to them selves. Sometimes people have forgotten how to practice grace and courtesy these days... My daughter and I would love to buy/sell if you would have us! Players: adroiri and serpterion.


    We3_MPO, KatydidBuild and Sefl like this.
  17. Your shop is the first place my son and I go if we need anything. Thank you Katy.
    We3_MPO and ultipig like this.
  18. Your perms were added. You'll have to remind me of the other account to add, I have the memory of a gnat sometimes when it comes to alts and relatives, unless they have names that make it obvious.
    ultipig and We3_MPO like this.
  19. ahhh katy i love your shop. may i have buy/sell perms please? :) and on my alt: aaarmat (just in case)
    KatydidBuild and We3_MPO like this.
  20. Much work on the shop has been done!

    The second layer of the shop has been dug out and some of the next layer of redstone sorter has been added. A construction entrance tp is near by where you spawn in the shop.

    I have not been online in over a month. This was unfortunate timing and due to a computer power supply failure. Apparently those weird shut downs and restarts were just symptoms that had not been correctly attributed to the hardware failure :(

    I didn't get to finish the giveaway I was doing to celebrate EMC's birthday, the beginning of Fall, and my anniversary on EmC. We will have to get back to that when I can get online again. And we can call it a Return of a Holiday giveaway....
    There are many prize shulkers to give out :D
    ultipig, We3_MPO, bralukwie and 3 others like this.