[AMA] I'm IcecreamCow - Original Founder of EMC - Ask Me Anything

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by IcecreamCow, May 19, 2024.

  1. Not me loosing the 100th reply spot, cause I’m sick all day 🤧
  2. I got this too :)
    IcecreamCow, EvilBlo and Tuqueque like this.
  3. That would be a lot of far stars aligning, haha.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. There, there...you'll get the next one. I have faith.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. why did you and justinguy leave
    Tuqueque and IcecreamCow like this.
  6. Do you remember this?

  7. my first major emc event. i got pictures of it somewhere and actually got a icc head, only to loose it to dereliction.
    Tuqueque and ultipig like this.
  8. they may just align...
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. There's actually a post earlier in this thread that explains it all if you want to go take a look. It's a long-ish story so, haha.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  10. I do remember this, lol. So many people in one spot.
    NuclearBobomb and Tuqueque like this.
  11. The bedrock cube was not a throwback I was expecting to get today
  12. I would like to use this post to request people to say hi to Bob (OB1BOB69). He noticed when I mentioned him, nobody said anything, and it made him sad. Everyone make Bob not sad. Thanks.
    ultipig likes this.
  13. Hi Bob!

    (What is the superior gaming console of all time? [PC is allowed as a console])
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  14. Hello bob (also when/how do you guys come up with the name emc if that wasnt ask already)
    IcecreamCow and ultipig like this.
  15. The politically correct answer is: Whatever someone is happy playing on is the most superior. The correct, correct answer is Xbox Series X, currently. :p
  16. I think it was something very simple at the time. Justin and I always had big goals for projects and didn't want to just make something to sit and collect dust, and knew we'd always be as active as possible. So, one of us I think said, we don't want to make a server, we want to make an Empire! And it just sounded good, haha.
    creeperfaceyt likes this.