Rare promos and where they've ended up V3

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by ultipig, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. Last updated:
    10 March 2024 @ 11:58 EMC Time

    Hi, EMC!

    The last version of this thread was left unedited for over 1.5 years. I sent a message to TomvanWijnen and Egeau about taking over, and they gave me permission to do it! So, I'm proud to announce that I will now be maintaining this list. The original thread was made by DubChef (SMP8 is the best).

    As always, this is not a "for sale" list. This list is for informational purposes.

    Owners are listed in order from first known to last known to this thread. Nothing is listed in any specific order.

    Purple People Party:

    1. Hashhog
    2. FDNY21
    3. deathconn
    4. BanditLM
    5. Moemaczap
    6. finch_rocks
    7. mman
    8. Thayf
    9. Unoski
    10. ThaKloned
    11. Faithcaster
    12. ShrinkingMatt
    13. Raaynn
    14. ItsMeMathheus
    15. jewel_king
    16. Laae
    17. icelightnin99
    18. austumnrain26
    19. FadedMartian

    Helmet: https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/empire-armor-helmet/
    Chestplate: https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/empire-armor-chestplate/
    Leggings: https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/empire-armor-leggings/
    Boots: https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/empire-armor-boots/

    1. Mman
    2. Mman
    3. moemaczap
    4. Kledoe

    1. Mman
    2. moemaczap
    3. jewel_king
    4. Kledoe

    1. Mman
    2. moemaczap
    3. jewel_king
    4. Kledoe

    1. moemaczap
    2. Hashhog
    3. ?
    4. Kledoe


    1. ThaKloned
    2. MoeMacZap - lost to a bug
    3. Allicanto
    4. jewel_king
    5. Highlancer 54
    6. ?
    7. ?
    8. ?
    9. ?
    10. ?


    1. Roslyn
    2. Roslyn
    3. Lost to ban (Rundercaster)
    4. Dufne
    5. NathanRP
    6. LadyJaye
    7. jewel_king
    8. MMann
    9. Qkazooo
    10. ?


    1. Sharpie42 (from KoolAid42)
    2. Dufne
    3. SkeleTin007
    4. Egeau/TomvanWijnen
    5. Egeau/TomvanWijnen
    6. jewel_king
    7. Allicanto
    8. HazardousCode
    9. The_Mancub
    10. ThaKloned
    11. OhMiku, to be given away at an event (extra one purchased from ThaKloned)
    12. Raaynn
    13. EnigmaSpirit (from Raaynn)
    14. DrMadFate
    15. TheFryedmans
    16. FadedMartian


    1. DubChef
    2. mman
    3. Moemaczap
    4. Allicanto
    5. Faithcaster
    6. jewel_king (from crafter31211)
    7. ItsMeMatheus
    8. ?
    9. ?
    10. ?
    11. ?
    12. ?
    13. ?
    14. ?
    15. ?
    16. ?


    1. Roslyn
    2. Roslyn
    3. jewel_king
    3. CaptainCraft300
    5. Raaynn
    6. ?

    1. Roslyn
    2. jewel_king
    3. AncientTower
    4. SachRock
    5. Lost due to derelict residence (PetezzaDawg)
    6. ?

    1. Roslyn
    2. Roslyn
    3. jewel_king
    4. JohnKid
    5. PetezzaDawg (lost from dereliction :()
    6. ?

    1. Roslyn
    2. Roslyn
    3. jewel_king
    4. Raaynn
    5. Originalscuf
    6. FDNY21


    1. jewel_king
    2. Mman (loaded from highlancer54)
    3. Raaynn
    4. FDNY21
    5. kevdudeman
    6. spiritress (lost by owner)


    1. ThaKloned
    2. OhMiku / BlueShinobiXIII
    3. Raaynn
    4. SkeleTin007
    5. Dreacon78


    1. Spyrovsgnorg
    2. GrumpyRedPanda7
    3. FadedCorndog
    4. Raaynn
    5. OhMiku


    1. GrumpyRedPanda7
    2. Envine
    3. Spyrovsgnorg

    20 in total
    1. Spyrovsgnorg
    2. Envine (previously Spyrovsgnorg)
    3. GrumpyRedPanda7
    4. daanhu
    5. Sharpie42

    Valentine’s Day:

    1. Allicanto
    2. Luckypat
    3. NathanRP & Dufne (Trading every week)
    4. AshBlue789
    6. originalscuff
    7. carolmoss - mman (may have been sold or given away? Could be owned by mman!)
    8. Rosy2696
    9. Brooke1965
    10. crafter31211


    1. ThaKloned
    2. FaithCaster
    3. crafter31211
    4. Bloodra1n
    6. Raaynn
    7. Allicanto
    8. MoeMacZap
    9. ColPun
    10. jewel_king
    11. Mman
    12. RandomZh
    13. ultipig
    14. Hashhog
    15. The_Mancub
    16. GrandExchange
    17. FadedMartian
    18. FadedMartian

    No lore:
    1. ThaKloned
    2. Raaynn
    3. Allicanto
    4. MoeMacZap
    5. ColPun
    6. jewel_king
    7. Mman
    8. Cyberazaz101
    9. RandomZh
    10. RandomZh
    11. ultipig
    12. Hashhog
    13. stormboy231


    1. Dufne
    2. ThaKloned
    3. jewel_king
    4. triphora
    5. Raayn (originally from Jay2a)
    6. KikuDusk
    7. LoMax70
    8. ?
    9. ?
    10. ?
    11. ?
    12. ?
    13. ?


    1. jewel_king (Originally from Ethy202)
    2. carfryer
    3. luckycordel
    4. skeletin007
    5. eclipsys
    6. danni8
    7. thebidule
    8. crafter31211 (Originally from ZanDarkin)
    9. reos_J_snoozer
    10. generalwillikers
    11. mnjoe70
    12. laae (Originally from wafflecoffee)


    1. Atels
    2. LindenNZ
    3. Raaynn
    4. LunarEndergirl
    5. Fred_TWK
    6. GrumpyRedPanda7
    7. Yixomua
    8. jewel_king
    9. bitnibbles
    10. Cyberazaz101

    Aikar’s Economy Destroying Drop Party:

    1. Hashhog
    2. Olaf_C
    3. Sachrock
    4. Moemaczap
    5. mman
    6. jewel_king
    7. FaithCaster
    8. Laae
    9. ?
    10. ?
    11. ?
    12. ?
    13. ?
    14. ?
    15. ?


    1. Sachrock
    2. chickeneer
    3. Hashhog
    4. ColPun
    5. mman
    6. FDNY21
    7. redfire23
    8. yankees518
    9. jewel_king
    10. Plasmabanana
    11. Moemaczap
    12. finch_rocks
    13. FadedMartian
    14. Rhythmically
    15. Mman
    16. Thayf
    17. Faithcaster
    18. ThaKloned
    19. Zion_Moyer
    20. ItsMeMatheus
    21. Luckygreenbird
    22. Raaynn
    23. luckypat
    24. Cyberazaz101
    25. God_of_Gods
    26. Lost due to derelict residence (JZH1000)
    27. yankees518
    28. FDNY21
    29. FDNY21
    30. ColPun

    Supporter Gifts:

    There is no wiki page. Have a screenshot :)

    1. ThaKloned
    2. Egeau/Tomvanwijnen
    3. Egeau/Tomvanwijnen
    4. Crafter31221
    5. jewel_king
    6. Rhy-changes-names-alot
    7. Krysyy
    8. stormboy231
    9. Raaynn
    10. RandomZh
    11. RandomZh
    12. RandomZh
    13. RandomZh
    14. RandomZh
    15. RandomZh
    16. RandomZh
    17. RandomZh
    18. RandomZh
    19. RandomZh
    20. RandomZh
    21. RandomZh
    22. RandomZh
    23. Envine

    1. CtJx
    2. jewel_king
    3. Mman
    4. Crafter31211
    5. Rhy-changes-names-alot
    6. Krysyy
    7. stormboy231
    8. Raaynn
    9. RandomZh
    10. RandomZh
    11. RandomZh

    There is no wiki page. Have a screenshot :)

    1. ThaKloned
    2. Raaynn
    3. ultipig
    4. Rhy-changes-names-alot
    5. TrumanIII
    6. Raaynn
    7. bricklayer42
    8. Crafter31221
    9. Rhy-changes-names-alot
    10. Krysyy
    11. BugsyWPfeiffer
    12. jewel_king
    13. jewel_king ("Ask a Community Manager" version)
    14. stormboy231
    15. RandomZh
    16. RandomZh
    17. RandomZh
    18. RandomZh
    19. FadedMartian
    20. Nickblockmaster (need to confirm quantity)

    Dragon Eggs:

    1. ZygmuntBudge (bought in an auction)
    2. Phoc (formerly jackomighty)
    3. Alexchance
    4. Krysyy
    5. Krysyy

    1. originalscuf
    2. Kryssy owns roughly 10
    3. ultipig
    4. MoeMacZap
    5. Luckygreenbird
    6. cyberazaz101
    7. Shavingfoam
    8. jewel_king
    9. Raaynn
    10. Raaynn
    11. NathanRP
    12. Alexchance
    13. Alexchance
    14. FDNY21
    15. God_of_Gods
    16. FadedMartian
    17. Phoc owns 12!
    18. kevdudeman

    Mob Arena:

    1. mman (originally runningrhino)
    2. FDNY21 “I think it was samsimx’s”
    3. Weirdmaniaco
    4. nickwolfe had a few but went derelict
    5. Moemaczap
    6. Kryssy (#2)
    7. Lost with the ban of Rundercaster
    8. ?
    9. ?


    1. Krysyy (originally owned by bemvino87) (#1)
    2. FDNY21 (originally owned by Runningrhino)
    3. samsimx
    4. cyborgTed
    5. ThaKloned
    6. Rhythmically
    7. Raaynn (#007)
    8. MoeMacZap
    9. captaincraft300


    1. Mman (donated by a secret person)
    2. Faithcaster (#473) (was held by jewel_king previously)
    3. Kyzoy
    4. Lost due to derelict residence

    Aikar misc:

    1. mman
    2. Moemaczap
    3. NathanRP
    4. jewel_king
    5. Roslyn
    6. Roslyn
    7. ThaKloned
    8. ItsMeMatheus
    9. ColPun
    10. Raaynn
    11. luckycordel
    12. FadedMartian
    13. ?
    14. ?
    15. ?
    16. ?


    1. FDNY21
    2. Seanisawesome
    3. NathanRP
    4. Hashhog
    5. Qkazoochan
    6. mman
    7. jewel_king
    8. PlasmaBanana
    9. FaithCaster
    10. Sachrock
    11. MoeMacZap
    12. Crafter31211
    13. ?
    14. ?
    15. ?
    16. ?


    1. ThaKloned
    2. Olaf_C - loaned to FaithCaster
    3. ItsMeMatheus
    4. MoeMacZap
    5. jewel_king
    6. Crafter31211
    7. Laae
    8. woblerbutsy102


    To avoid confusion, this is what is meant with "green text:"

    1. Egeau/TomvanWijnen
    2. jewel_king
    3. Raaynn
    4. crafter31211


    1. kaptrix
    2. FDNY21
    3. mman
    4. Moemaczap
    5. jewel_king
    6. Kryssy
    7. Alyysm
    8. Lost due to banned player
    9. Raaynn


    1. Luckygreenbird
    2. Runningrhino
    3. ItsMeMatheus
    4. CyberStorm231
    5. CyberStorm231

    1. CyberStorm231
    2. Lost due to derelict residence (Ethy202)

    1. ItsMeMatheus
    2. woblerbutsy102
    3. Hashhog
    4. CyberStorm231


    1. ThaKloned
    2. ItsMeMatheus
    3. jewel_king


    1. ThaKloned
    2. ItsMeMatheus (needs to be confirmed)
    3. jewel_king
    4. ultipig
    5. FadedMartian
    6. Envine
    7. Raaynn
    & unknown others... possibly DrasLeona247, Snappes, Allicanto, Cyberazaz101, luckycordel
  2. I,ve got 2 Sticky Hats, a light as a chickeneer feather, and a Kryssy 2017 PPP head, With regards to other chickeneer feathers, i believe owners are FadedCorndog, Raaynn, ohmiku, and me. anyone else with with 5th one idk.
    Raaynn, FadedMartian and UltiPig like this.
  3. You're missing my wife, GrumpyRedPanda7. She got a Sticky hat, a feather and a party parrot.
  4. Well I am sad to say I own none of them
  5. ima corndog 🌽🐶
    Nickblockmaster, Raaynn and Tuqueque like this.
  6. Great news ulti! Cheers.

    We will have to watch the parrots... as they aren't dated and very possibly will be re -eleased...

    On a sad note, its very possible fdny' s items were lost in the forceclaim
  7. I have the following listed promos:
    • Tales of Eternia
    • Krysyy's Dancing Boots
    • x2 Lored Valentine's Gifts
    • ICC Eggnog
    • Iron supporter gift
    • Happy Birthday EMC (Aikar Signature)
    • Treasure Voucher
    All of which are on display currently at 16150

  8. Sounds heavy, Can i hold them?
    FadedMartian and UltiPig like this.
  9. This needs update as 1 pair kryssy shoes went out in one of my giveaway...
    "gave away 1 pair of kryssy boots in my last event, to enigmaspirit"

    Also, I have 2 regular dragon eggs.
  10. Nickblockmaster, Trwe and ultiPig like this.
  11. Kinda struggling to rememebr at this point but I definitely had two pieces of purple power armour. I don’t know what the other one was but I think it was leggings. I lost that to dereliction too.
    UltiPig and Spyrovsgnorg like this.
  12. Have traded 1 of my honey hats to envine. Undisclosed amount roughly between 7-14 million r. Price cannot be accurately calculated however due to unavailable pricings.
    UltiPig and Envine like this.
  13. how rare is this?

    UltiPig, Nickblockmaster and Raaynn like this.
  14. While not limited like to listed items, the first fireworks do have value. Last auction was for 200k as per the promo price list
    (2012) Empire Firework: 200k (2021-07)

    With many older players gone or Derelict, they become more valuable with fewer of them...
  15. its time for me to break my silence............

    i have a lored valentines gift and a honey hat o.(o)
    FadedMartian, sonicol and Tuqueque like this.
  16. i have all of these (real and true)
    sonicol and Trwe like this.
  17. I see no reason do doubt you
    StgbtL likes this.
  18. Great to see the updates, but one item needs to be rechecked... the V2 list actually listed the Treasure Slip, different than the Treasure Voucher, and only Owned by
    1. ThaKloned
    2. ItsMeMatheus
    3. jewel_king

    As for Treasure Voucher, pretty sure I also own one, they are more common than the Slip...
    Also jewel and kloned may have vouchers I think...
    sonicol and ThaKloned like this.
  19. i have a party parot cant believe you dont know this

    2 u dint put the rarest promo off all cod father the fish sadly all codfather fishes were eaten by a evil frog
  20. I'll double check. Thought I had both. If you want to double check before I do they are at 5774 Utopia.
    Nickblockmaster and Raaynn like this.