Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 607, Jun 22, 2023.


Are you a robot?

Yes. 8 vote(s) 34.8%
No. 6 vote(s) 26.1%
Maybe. 9 vote(s) 39.1%
  1. Hi, it's me again!

    It's probably happened over 30 times at this point, that I thought something along the lines of "I wish I had created a thread about CAPTCHAs on voting sites on EMC some time ago. But if I do it now, it's way too late." The first time I got this idea, I had already seen so many different kinds of CAPTCHAs while voting for EMC, that I thought it would have been interesting to document these, but that it was now too late to do so. However, many years after first getting this idea, CAPTCHAs are still around, and are still developing, which makes sense: they must, to retain any use.

    So here is a thread to discuss current, future and past CAPTCHAs, in the context of EMC's voting sites, but also feel free to talk about CAPTCHAs unrelated to EMC.

    Does anyone remember the games that were used on one or two sites, some years ago? Where you had to do things like dragging balls to a circle. When I first saw them, I thought "This is fun, but surely people will write bots to do these very quickly", and judging by how short-lived they were, I think I was right. :p
  2. CAPTCHAs suck. I remember when Captchas were super simple, rather than "which is a traffic light?" or "which is a car?"... And every time we go through a new iteration of capthcas, they get botted, rendering them useless until the "next generation" is created. Until that generation gets botted, and so on... They are just feeding into AI learning and making these AI network systems smarter without us knowing about it.

    There's a Youtube video about this that explains this in greater detail. If someone else doesn't post it, I'll see if I can find it and post it myself.
    607 likes this.
  3. What do you mean with 'when Captchas were super simple'? If you're referring to reCAPTCHA, that was actually used to digitise books!

  4. Captcha incoming....
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.

  5. This, I hate this so much... Paypal just began enforcing Captchas for me this year to log into my account (even though I know they have my data and can confirm it's me...) before I can send money to artists I want to commission to draw for me... It's very frustrating because they have the worse Captchas ever... :mad:
    ThaKloned likes this.
  6. i am a robot... martian
  7. Ah yeah, that one's nice. It's really easy, although I don't think you can click and drag, which would save some clicks. I think it's obvious that you should include the square in the top row, in this case, but if you don't, it would probably pass as well. I do wonder how this can work, though, as this seems very easy to do with a convolutional neural network.
  8. I’m a big fan of this captcha, but it only shows up on one voting site… sometimes… :mad:
    607 and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  9. I agree with you Ulti. Those are okay, but they're becoming increasingly rare...
    UltiPig likes this.
  10. I know that uses a similar kind of captcha, most likely so that it's solvable by children. Honestly, a captcha isn't good if it can't be easily understood by a child, because then it's just an unreasonable boundary for entry—not only for children but also for those with disabilities.
    607 and UltiPig like this.
  11. Ah, nice. It seems to use a similar technique, but much more clearly, than the one I screenshotted the day before yesterday.

    I thought this one was pretty funny, but what was most remarkable to me was the artifacts (presumably) tripping up certain image classifiers.

    I'll post a clipping of your image below, for those who are not in a position to easily follow the link.

    I wonder how the images were generated; probably with some kind of adversarial network.
  12. but if ai generated these why cant ai see waht they are maybe im just stupit but if ai can generatated these pictures cant referee search them maybe in the future if ai gets big that means the captchas probely will be useless in maybe like 5 years since like modern cpu.s i tink somtimes or will come with ai cores
    note i tink the glow oil color padren may also prevent bots from recognising them
    607 likes this.
  13. Yeah, the 'glow oil color padren' is what I mean. My guess is that they are using two AI models, where one tries to solve the CAPTCHA, and the other tries to make the CAPTCHA harder so the first model can't solve it. I'm not sure how they would ensure that it still stays easy for humans, though. There are probably some constraints on how the image is allowed to be edited.
    Note: I am doing a Master's in AI, but I haven't done a course on Computer Vision yet, so I am a relative layman in this area.
  14. for me the most annoying are those where there's a single partitioned image. "select all squares with stairs/motorcycles/traffic lights/unicorns crossing the road"
    And if you really do select them all, you fail.

    I started getting into the habit of reloading the captcha until I get something else when I see one of those.
    UltiPig likes this.
  15. Hm, I feel like that hasn't happened to me.
  16. A few days ago, I had to redo the captcha 7 times because the subjects were questionably in other boxes. After selecting too many boxes, I selected fewer… and it still had me redo it. :mad:
    Nickblockmaster, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  17. low key i get why captchas exist but they are low key sometimes too difficult. i liked the old old ones (not really CAPTCHAs) where it would ask you a math question such as 67+2 and you’d have to solve it.. granted i know thats not robot proof (at least anymore) but its still was easier for us martians
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  18. i have found when you over think them in thise cases it further prolongs it as it goes based on your decision making speed/ clicking patterns from my understanding
  19. To continue posting to this thread, please complete the following...
  20. "Click on each image with something you can eat."

    Sometimes we get these more abstract prompts, lately. Interestingly, the actual target images are always more concrete. In this case, I have to click the four images of cake; there's no fruit, cookies, potatoes, etc.