The last too comment on this thread wins

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Eclipce, Sep 26, 2018.


Am I annoying?

No 27 vote(s) 17.8%
Very 13 vote(s) 8.6%
Not really 9 vote(s) 5.9%
Yes 15 vote(s) 9.9%
A little 6 vote(s) 3.9%
Who are you? 70 vote(s) 46.1%
I told you to go away 12 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. That joke hasn't quite sunk in yet, but I'm sure eventually I'll be enlightened.
    BreezyMan likes this.
  2. Fun fact: The Sun is going to explode in 5 billion years.
    BreezyMan likes this.
  3. How is that a Fun Fact? nothing fun about it
  4. tbh by then we'd either be extinct or have long since left the solar system.
    BreezyMan likes this.
  5. Most powerful is he who controls his own power.
  6. It's a punny joke.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  7. The winding path to peace is always a worthy one, regardless of how many turns it takes.
  8. Fail with honor rather than succeed by fraud.
  9. good advice.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  10. Hard to believe this thread has been going now for 4+ years now. :eek:
    Tuqueque and Sefl like this.
  11. Greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil.
  12. "Fear is the path to the dark side.Fear leads to anger.Anger leads to hate.Hate leads to suffering." - Yoda
    BreezyMan and Tuqueque like this.
  13. S1E14 ā€“ Defenders of Peace: When surrounded by war, one must eventually choose a side.
  14. yeah, that's what I was thinking
  15. Comes from the intro quote from one of my favorite arcs in The Clone Wars
    Heres a clip from the battle/action climax of the episode. - and a review:
    Iā€™m glad AncientTower discovered the references though hehe

    Star Wars is very philosophical and timeless and I LOVE IT FOR IT

    anyways ;)
    S1E15 ā€“ Trespass: Arrogance diminishes wisdom.

    what u guys up to
  16. winning this thread
    Tuqueque likes this.
  17. Congratulations!
    Tuqueque likes this.