[Poll] What year did you join EMC?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jewel_king, Aug 13, 2020.


What year did you join EMC? (in game)

2011 6 vote(s) 5.8%
2012 32 vote(s) 30.8%
2013 8 vote(s) 7.7%
2014 16 vote(s) 15.4%
2015 20 vote(s) 19.2%
2016 4 vote(s) 3.8%
2017 6 vote(s) 5.8%
2018 5 vote(s) 4.8%
2019 2 vote(s) 1.9%
2020 5 vote(s) 4.8%
  1. Heya everyone :)
    Today i was wondering what year the most players joined in (that still play)

    So well here's a poll! :p
  2. 2015.

    Glad to see that you're still with us as well Jewel_King! :D
  3. I joined EMC on June 26, 2015 -- the same day as jewel_king :D
  4. :eek::eek::eek:

    I'm glad to see that an OG player, such as yourself, is still around! ^-^
  5. November 23rd 2017
  6. 2015. First computer i ever got, first day I had my computer. First time getting Minecraft and i got to experience it all on the Empire.
  7. Woo hoo!
    Today, 8 years ago! August 13th, 2012.
  8. Wow, congratulations! That's really cool :D
  9. 2012
    Minecraft was actually my first computer game I ever bought (doesn't include console games). I mean, I played pc games on ...emulators >.> but yeah. EMC wasn't my first server I got into, but I joined on the same day I bought Minecraft.

    It's funny I actually didn't suddenly found EMC, a guy I befriended on another server made me join! :oops: I miss him.
  10. I joined on November 26th, 2011. :)
  11. 2012
    I remember the sandstone maze tutorial and how painful it was when I got an answer wrong and had to walk all the way back :rofl: :lmao:
  12. I joined in 2012
    Sandstone maze gang!
  13. My first day was May 11th 2014 which believe it or not I am 7 days older than Eviltoade.
  14. Feb 24, 2018 was my first day.
  15. I joined July 28th, 2012.