[Unofficial Debate] Wild Reset

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, Jun 20, 2012.


To reset or not to reset? Remember to READ.

Yes, I want the reset. 36 vote(s) 30.8%
No, I don't want the reset. 81 vote(s) 69.2%
  1. I will think it through some more and make a post. If you got some stormy brain before feel free to start it right now :D
    We should keep that separated from this thread though.
    My first basic thoughts are: Dirt / grass bridges/stuff so noob griefers do not take the cobble. make them decorative by architecture not materials. would allow saplings to grow too.
  2. And I have made my point.. If you don't know why I am interjecting, try looking for my last post.
  3. Ok i could NOT resist replying to this
    You have just indirectly pointed out that he made you feel inferior by saying what you did about your resume for an "important" law firm. And while you may deny it, its true while you may not even realize it, you did do it.
    And if you were using a law firm as an example even then, you STILL tried to make him feel inferior because he did the same to you.
    Monster_ likes this.
  4. So what you are saying is that we arent as important as someone who you are being interviewed by? That we dont deserve the same grammatical respect as someone in this supposedly important law firm does? That people in a video game forum are low on the important ladder, and that people in a law firm have a higher status than us?
    Dwight5273, Spenser6 and Monster_ like this.
  5. i'm just fixing what in my eyes needs to be fixed, no need to get angry, guy.
  6. yeah, that technique is on that page, "pretend the person is angry"... its a typical tactic of trolling.
  7. we'll you're obviously distressed by the situation at hand.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. could we please stop the meta-discussions or move them to another thread / private conversation? it just makes it harder for people that want to vote to find the arguments.
    Call_Me_DeJaja likes this.
  9. clearly you dont know me
  10. I still haven't decide.... :confused:
  11. Off topic: Haha go Google "lawyers are" and look at the suggestions, oh I love Google:p
    On topic: Zulu, I agree that the "Needed" argument is best, but some "towns people's" idea of need is, well, wrong:(
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  12. so you continue on with the conversation? alright, i'll give this ONE more go. i fixed your spelling and i fixed your grammar, you post links about 'trolling'. The way you're typing defensively must mean that i'm somehow on the offensive for something that i never intended to start. Furthermore, i wasn't trying to show how 'superior' i am, and how 'smart i am' - i'm trying to help a post out.
  13. tldr, just another troll...
    EDIT: its obvious what you are doing, you are upset because I said your argument wasnt well thought out, and so you decide to resort to well known troll tactics. its not on topic and Im finished responding to you. I know you will try to troll me again, but Im done giving you the satisfaction.
  14. Please leave, as you seem to be only calling people trolls right now. Isnt it late at night?
    Monster_ likes this.
  15. 3:30 AM here :)
  16. Ok. Last try. Please stay on topic here and exchange arguments pro / conrta the reset.
    I've made a pad for all off topic discussions:
    http://piratenpad.de/p/[Unofficial Debate] Wild Reset

    No registration needed (you can give a nick if you want tho). So troll away there please.
    SecretAznEks, Monster_ and melodytune like this.
  17. I think there should be a one month requirement for voting for resets in the future. Yes, it comes with its cons, but it is a way to weed out the players who are brand new and dont know that the nuke zone will return fairly quickly.
    Monster_ likes this.
  18. or, we could just get rid of town and residences entirely and everyone will be on their own! instead of having a wild reset, lets do a town reset. lolol
  19. It is an interesting idea, but I think that excluding people from votes may cause them to feel like their opinion doesn't matter. Then again we loose people due to not caring what new folks think or care about.
    jkjkjk182 and zulu9 like this.