[Quick Poll] How many Rupee history pages do you have

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Be6Ja1min, Jul 13, 2020.


How many rupee history pages do you have

100 1 vote(s) 1.9%
300 6 vote(s) 11.3%
500 9 vote(s) 17.0%
700 6 vote(s) 11.3%
1000 6 vote(s) 11.3%
1500 3 vote(s) 5.7%
2300 5 vote(s) 9.4%
3000 2 vote(s) 3.8%
3500 2 vote(s) 3.8%
4500 + 13 vote(s) 24.5%
  1. Hey Emc, I was wondering how many rupee history pages everyone has. i have 600 :D Everyone has spamed a shop right?
    If you have 4500 + tell us your number below
    607, luckycordel and CarFryer like this.
  2. so far I have 1,591. Personally I feel like it's a lot but I'm sure there's some wacko on these forums who has well over 4k rupee history pages
    BennyLikesBagels and luckycordel like this.
  3. lol I have 13,907 rupee history pages. :D Fun fact: the first few pages are missing - I believe because the rupee history page didn't exist yet. :p
    loj, 607, MoreMoople and 5 others like this.
  4. loj, 607, MoreMoople and 14 others like this.
  5. 204 after five years.. am I doing something wrong? :p
    loj, 607 and luckycordel like this.
  6. i have 617, which interestingly enough, is less than 50 more since i started playing again in march. so I accumulated ~550 in my first 10 months of playing, then followed by a break till this march, which ive gained ~50 pages in the past 4 months. Much different pace it seems!
    607, BennyLikesBagels and luckycordel like this.
  7. I'm currently at 8951 rupee history pages :)
  8. 1201 pages
    588 pages since 17/3/2020 (when EMC updated to 1.15)
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  9. how does it feel to be a part of the 4500 + club
    607, luckycordel and Impulsive_Egg like this.
  10. I think it's really interesting to see along with everyone else's rupee pages! :) It's a little hard sometimes to find specific things in my rupee history because of purchases from my shop taking up so much of it, but I think it's really cool!
    607, HazardousCode and luckycordel like this.
  11. Fun. :p Fun fact: I don't have a (working) "mega mall" or similar. The most of any item I've sold at a small shop of mine if cobblestone, for the rest I haven't really sold much. So almost all of the 13,907 pages were created by me buying and selling from other shops. :D
    607, luckycordel and Egeau like this.
  12. I've got 814 pages. In recent times a lot of those pages are nothing but voting rupees. I should really do more shopping. :rolleyes:
    607, BennyLikesBagels and luckycordel like this.

  13. It's lower than I expected it to be, honestly. I had a meggamall back in 2015, which should have given me quite a lot of pages, but apparently it didn't really... Most of this is probably other people's shops. (looking at the EMC shopkeeper)
    I guess it's still plenty :p

    Maybe more impressive:

    This is the alt accound I never use for transactions (MagusMercrator). Apparently it has gotten a few pages over the years... :p

    Also, I believe some people are in the 40 000 pages. I think ToddV (from the old SMP1 meggamall 2000) said he had 45K two years ago :p
  14. From February 2015 I'm at 2187 this morning:D Most of it is from shop sells and voting.
    607 and BennyLikesBagels like this.
  15. I have 716. Same as Tom, there's at least a couple pages missing because rupee history initially didn't exist.
    607, BennyLikesBagels and luckycordel like this.
  16. 528 right now, but I usually handle money through my alt, and I've got 2 other alts that have some spending history so probably closer to 1 or 2k pages
  17. I'm at 366, mostly from voting.
    607, luckycordel and BennyLikesBagels like this.
  18. Interesting I thought people would have way more.

    I’m close to 2k never had a big shop before either

    I’m sure people like ToddV, MatthewDA, shavingfoam, etc are all 15k+
    607, jacob5089, luckycordel and 2 others like this.
  19. But consider that each page has 31 transactions. So Tom has around 400000 transactions! That’s crazy and it even goes up
    607, luckycordel and TomvanWijnen like this.