It's been quite a while! (6 years?)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by heyaroo, May 13, 2020.

  1. Oh hello!

    It's so weird yet familiar to write in the EMC forum right now. It's been 6-7 years since I have been super active on EMC, but I have been going down memory lane lately and wanted to revisit somewhere I think very fondly of. :)

    I am not sure if some of you remember me, but if you head to SMP5 and visit my residence, you will see the Four Biomes Amusement park. At that time, I wanted to make an amusement park for EMC and a place where people could hang out during mob arena events. I am surprised it's still there considering there were times I didn't log in for 365+ days!

    I remember feeling so compelled to somehow promote EMC and bring in players from other servers. I wanted everyone to be part of EMC and join our community, so that's when I gathered a lot of members to create a promotional video in 2013.

    It's crazy to look back at this video. I remember how much fun I had creating it and how it was a huge event to get everyone involved (like the crowd shot of everyone jumping and the Ghast at spawn!)

    As life things happened, I started to fall off Minecraft and therefore EMC. I graduated high school and then college. And wouldn't you know it, I graduated with a degree in advertising / film. All thanks to knowing that I liked promoting things in video form. :p

    As I am looking through the forums and checking in the server, I've been seeing some familiar names which is really nice to see. I hope everyone is doing well. EMC was one of my first introductions to online communities in games and creating videos. When I look back to 2012-2013, I always think of EMC and how I really felt like I had a home where I could be part of a community and just have fun in Minecraft.

    To be honest, I am not sure how much I will play Minecraft and EMC again, but I wanted to come back here to check in with everyone. I appreciate how much EMC helped me during difficult times and inspired me to create and be part of a community. If you want to know what I have been up to, I have been working on marketing for a game called MisBits where you can build your own map in a toy universe. Hope you can check it out sometime.

    It's funny how things come full circle but I thought I would say thanks and hello. :)

    Hannah / heyaroo (SMP5)
  2. I wish I could've recorded my reaction to seeing this... :eek:
    The veterans just keep coming back. xD This is amazing. :D

    Yes, I remember that promotional video! It was made shortly after I joined EMC, and for a long time it made me believe you were staff, because I hadn't seen any other non-staff thread posted to the front page. :D

    Ooh, that's cool to know about your degree!
    Did you make the MisBits launch trailer, then? If not, share something else you made with us? :D

    Thanks for the post! Good to see you again. <3
  3. Welcome back! I feel like I remember you but I'm not too sure :p
    Nickblockmaster, 607 and heyaroo like this.
  4. 607!! So glad to hear from you. Thank you so much for reading and I am so happy to see you around still!

    I remember when the video was posted to the front page, I think that was honestly one of the happiest moments of my teen years lol. You're bringing the memories back!

    Oh thank you so much for checking out the trailer! I helped with some of it, but I mostly have worked on the most recent trailers.

    More veterans are coming back? I gotta see!
  5. Boy howdy that's a name I haven't seen in a while, I still remember way back when we made that one video on how to find diamonds. That was a simpler time. :p
  6. QWERTY189?! Hi! Hello! I remember when we created that video, there were some shots that took a few tries. :p Thanks for being patient with me when I was learning how to do that! It was fun!
  7. Hey and welcome back! It is good to see you around again :)
  8. Welcome back. It's great to see old names return. :)
    You might remember me as that kid who didn't speak a word of English, jet tried to be a part of the comunity anyway... :)
    I think I might still have a renamed chicken you gave me quite some time ago :p
    heyaroo, Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  9. Hey, welcome back! :) Been a while since I saw you! :) I'm happy to hear you're doing good!
    heyaroo, Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  10. Yes, hello, I've changed my name a few times since then :p
    Making that video was fun, I remember we ended up having to plant some diamonds because the chunk we chose didn't have any lmao
    heyaroo, jacob5089 and 607 like this.
  11. I wasn't sure if you'd remember me, considering that you became inactive when I wasn't too active yet. ;)

    That's cool. :D

    I mean, just look at the Introduce Yourself section. :p
  12. :eek: This keeps getting more and more crazy! all these names ive heard over the years but never got a chance to meet returning! Welcome back!
  13. Welcome back!
    heyaroo and Nickblockmaster like this.
  14. Welcome back. I remember that promo video, it was brilliant!
    heyaroo, Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  15. Heya, heyaroo! :D Welcome back! It sounds like you've accomplished a lot over the last few years. I'm so happy to see the impact that EMC has had for you. :)
  16. Welcome back! Definitely dont know you as I've been here just 4 years, but I love seeing past players return who were here years ago, just another amazing aspect of this community!
    heyaroo, ForeverMaster and 607 like this.
  17. No way this is legendary! Welcome back, heyaroo! Definitely remember you as one of the first people to welcome me aboard, and one of the first to treat me a gift, which I still have in my collection. Love that promotional video btw, it's easily one of my favorites.

    Great to see you're moving on up, and doing what makes you happy. I checked out the trailer for MisBits just now, and I believe it's something I will certainly have to put to the test. Thank you for sharing.

    Thank you for popping in to say hello! It's so cool to see you again. Take care :D
  18. Hey there heyaroo!

    I still love that promotional video you created and I'm happy to hear that you graduated with a degree related to it. You definitely had a knack for it, even from a younger age. Pop in and keep us up to date every now and then. We love these 'where are they now' type posts :D
  19. Yo Heyaroo, glad you are doing well..
    Smp5 for Life!!!!!
  20. Glad to see you back :)