Since the loss of the previous price keeper (mr. squid) who now won't be continuing to maintain the list, I have decided to continue it with your help! Please feel free to PM me or post below any time with updates you feel are accurate. Using the same format still, but rares in bld/itlc Last Update: Jan.2nd, 2025, at 2:00 pmThis list has evolved from The_Mancub’s ”The Promo Prices Thread”. Formatting help provided by wafflecoffee. (shop) means this was the original cost when sold in shop, no other price information available. The Promo List:Vouchers Vault Voucher: 5k (Nov. 9th, 2018) Stable Voucher: 4.5k (Nov. 9th, 2018) Firework Voucher: 25k (empire shop) Iron Supporter Voucher: 55k (upd 2023-6) Gold Supporter Voucher: 110k (2023-6) Diamond Supporter Voucher: 220k (2023-6) Iron Supporter Gift: 1.8M+ Gold Supporter Gift: 2.3M+ Diamond Supporter Gift: 2.2mil (2020-11) Supporter Thank You (book): 140k (2022-11) Cake Parkour Event: 300k EMC Treasure Voucher: 3M (2022-01) EMC Treasure Slip: ICC Cake Voucher: 500k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Max Res Upgrade Voucher: 4M+ (2023-08) Permanent Derelict Protection Voucher: 1.6M (2023-06) New Year (2012) Empire Firework: 200k (2021-07) (2013) Empire Firework: 218k (2024-09) (2014) Empire Firework: 35k (2014) Empire Firework (green version): 1.8M (2015) Empire Firework: 25k (2016) Empire Firework: 22k (2017) Empire Firework: 17k (2018) Empire Firework:15k (2019) Empire Firework:14k (2020) Empire Firework:13k (2021) Empire Firework:12k (2022) Empire Firework:11k (2023) Empire Firework:10k (2019) Aikar's Hot Hat: 240k(2022-09) (2020) Holly Jolly: 20k (2021-02) (2020) Snowball Fight!: 200k (2024-02) (2017) New Year Aikar Signature: 400k (2017) Aikar/Krysyy New Years Heads see Staff Head Thread Valentine's Day Cupid's Bow (infinity): 25k Cupid's Bow (unbreaking): 25k Cupid's Bow (both): 25k Cupid's Bow 2018: 4+ mil Cupid Bundle: 75k rupees Cupid pig (Unused): 50k (2020-05) Cupid pig (Used): 35k (2020-05) Cupid's Arrow (1 Stack) 2.5k Love Potion No.9: 300k (2020-05) Valentine (puppy) (2018): 30k Blossoms (Happiness, Friendship, Love) (2019): 20k (2021-06) Valentine Gift Box (2020): 17k (2020-05) Sole Mates (2021): 25k (2023-09) Cupid's Wings (2022): 20k ? Love Bug (2023): 25k (shop) Lovey Dovey (2024): 20240r (shop) Rose Bouquet: 15M+ rupees Valentine's Gift: flower(no lore) 2+ mil (2020-01) Valentine's Gift flower(lored): 1+mil (2023-02) Valentine Signature 2018: St. Patrick's Day Lucky Rabbit's Foot (+25% luck): 45k Pot of Gold: 16k (2024-09) Pot of Gold (used): 7k (2022-03) Lucky Clover: Leprechaun Hat (2023): 120k (2023-09) Leprechaun Hoard (2024): 15k (2024-04) Leprechaun Stash (2024): 1k Leprechaun Egg (2024): 2k April Fools Day Fred egg: Easter/Spring Magical Eggcellent Wand: 18k Easter Bunny (Brown Egg 2018): 30k Chocolate Bunny (2017): 15k Carrot Juice: 3k Carrot Cake Topper (2019): 120k Rabbit's Pocket Watch (2020): 400k (2024-04) Sheep Hooves (2021): 151k (2023-09) Bunny Family Boots (2022): Steampunk Jetpack (2023): 55k(2024-11) Blossom Bonnet (2024): Independence Day Ind. Head: 400k Ind. Helmet: 400k Ind. Chest: 400k Ind. Pants: 400k Ind. Boots: 400k Freedom Blade (light red): 125k+ Freedom Blade (dark red): 300k (2022-01) Ind. Helmet (dnc): 750k Ind. Chest (dnc): 750k Ind. Pants (dnc): 750k Ind. Boots (dnc): 750k Freedom Blade (dnc): 530k Ind. Helmet (in chest): 400k Ind. Chest (in chest): 400k Ind. Pants (in chest): 400k Ind. Boots (in chest): 400k Freedom Blade (in chest): 400k firework voucher 2022 listed in vouchers above (2013) Ind. Day Firework: 70k (2020-08) (2014) Ind. Day Firework: 35k (2015) Ind. Day Firework: 30k (2016) Ind. Day Firework: 25k (2017) Ind. Day Firework: 18k (2018) Ind. Day Firework: 16k (2019) Ind. Day Firework: 15k (2020-08) (2020) Ind. Day Firework: 14k (2021) Ind. Day Firework: 13k (2022) Ind. Day Firework: 12k (2023) Ind. Day Firework: 11k (2024) Ind. Day Firework: 10k (2013) Empire Firework (July 4th): 70k (2020-08) (2014) Empire Firework (July 4th): 35k (2015) Empire Firework (July 4th): 30k (2016) Empire Firework (July 4th): 25k (2017) Empire Firework (July 4th): 20k (2023) Boom Firework: 25k (shop) (2024) Patriot Snaps: 16 / 500r (shop) Meteor Bow: 10k Liberty Sword: 25k Declaration of Independence: 30k Liberty Bell: 20,200r (shop) Liberty Torch: 17500r (2023-09) Taste The Freedom: 600 Grill with Friends: Freedom Banner: 1r Amareica : 15k (Jul. 7th, 2018) Amareica (used): 10k (Jul. 15th, 2018) ...
EMC Birthday Incitatus: 1.3M Incitatus (used): 750k (2021-02) Valens: 1.2M Valens (used): 950k (2022-06) Saltar: 2.2M (Nov. 19th, 2018) Saltar (used): 900k 2013* Birthday Cake: 1.5 mil (2015) 2014 Birthday Cake: 40k (Aug. 12th, 2018) 2015 Birthday Cake: 25k (Aug. 12th, 2018) 2016 Birthday Cake: 20k (Aug. 12th, 2018) 2017 Birthday Cake: 18k (Aug. 12th, 2018) 2018 Birthday Cake: 16k (Aug. 12th, 2018) 2019 Birthday Cake: 15k (2020-01) 2020 Birthday Cake: 14k 2021 Birthday Cake: 13k 2022 Birthday Cake: 12k 2023 Birthday Cake: 11k 2024 Birthday Cake: 10k 2015 Birthday Cookie: 150k 2016 Birthday Cookie: 35k (2024-11) 2017 Birthday Cookie: 45k 2018 Birthday Cookie: 100k (2020-01) 2020 Birthday Cookie: 100k (2020-08) 2021 Birthday Cookie: 66k (2021-09) 2023 Birthday Cookie: ? (2014) Happy Birthday EMC Book: 4.2M+ (2018) Happy Birthday EMC 7th: 250k + Aikar's Head (2015 B-day): Unknown Labor Day (2013) Labor Bench: 70k (2014) Labor Bench: 60k (2015) Labor Bench: 45k (2020-05) (2016) Labor Bench: 26k (2022-03) (2017) Labor Bench: 20k (2022-03) Labor Bench shopworld: 20k (shop) Labor Workstations shopworld: 20k (shop) Labor Anvil (2024) shopworld: 50k (shop) Halloween (2013) Haunted Head: 145k (2016) Haunted Head: 35k (Non Marked) Haunted Head: 20k (2014) Headless Horseman Mask: 50k (2020-05) (2015) Headless Horseman Mask: 60k (2022-11) (2016) Headless Horseman Mask: 35k (2020-05) (Non Marked) Headless Horseman Mask: 20k Omneoss: 40k Omneoss (used): Unknown Frankensteed: 200k (2023-08) Frankensteed (used): 81k (2024-11) Trick-or-Treat Bundle: 75k Headless Horseman Axe: 50k Spooky Egg: 25k The Reaper (2018): 25k Witchs Broom (2024): Door Knocker (oak) 2022: Door Knocker (acacia) 2023: Door Knocker (bamboo) 2024: Haunted Candy: 20 rupees each type Halloween Event Heart of the Manor 2018: 138k(2023-08) Helm of Anaetiem 2019: 38k (2024-11) Zahnenn's Trident 2020: 78k (2024-10) Professor Maelstrom safety goggles 2021: 78k (2024-11) Eye of Horus 2022: Pumpkin Kings Monacle 2023: Cursed Crystal Crown 2024: Veterans Day (2014) Remembrance Poppy: 40k (2020-11) (2015) Remembrance Poppy: 25k (2016) Remembrance Poppy: 20k (2017) Remembrance Poppy: 15k (2018) Remembrance Poppy: 10k (2020-01) (2019) Remembrance Poppy: 10k (2020-01) (2020) Remembrance Poppy: 7k (2021) Remembrance Poppy: 5k
Thanksgiving (2013) Turkey Slicer: 100k (2023) (annual) Turkey Slicer: 10k (2024 08) (2014) Ham Hacker: 75k (2022-06) (2017) Stuffing Scooper: 30k (2018) Can Opener: 30k (2019) Turkey Trotters: 150k (2023-08) (2020) Feasting Fork: 20k (2021-01) (2021) Stretchy Pants: 20210r (shop) (2022) Touch of Flavor: 20220r (shop) Cooked Turkey: 500r Feast for a King: 1k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Christmas Rudolph: 1.4 mil (2024-12) Rudolph (used): 850k (2022-03) Dancer: 95k (2024-11) Dancer (used): 75k (2020-05) Dasher: 55k Dasher (used): 40k Prancer: 40k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Prancer (used): 29k (2020-01) Vixen: 65k (Updated: Nov. 9th, 2018) Vixen (used): 45k (2021-04) Comet: 27k (2020-01) Comet (used): Cupid: 25k (2020-03) Cupid used: Donner: 20200r (shop) Donner used: Blitzen: 20210r (shop) Dominick: 20220r (shop) Olive: 20230r (shop) Maxie: 20240r (2014) Holiday Candle: 50k (2016) Holiday Candle: 25k (2020) Holiday Candle: 18k (2021) Holiday Candle: 15k (2022) Holiday Candle: 12k (2023) Holiday Candle: 11k (2024) Holiday Candle: 10k (2013) Holiday Pickaxe: 550k (2023-08) (2016) Candy Cane Sword: 34k (2017) Holiday Axe: 35k (2020-09) (2017) Santa's Magic Bag: 20k (2020-03) (2019) Nutcracker: 23k (2020-01) Emergency Snow Clearing Device: 28k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Evergreen Sapling: 20K (2020-05) Ugly Sweater 2020 green: 20200r (shop) Ugly Sweater 2021 blue: 20210r (shop) Ugly Sweater 2022 red: 20220r (shop) Ugly Sweater 2023 gray: 20230r (shop) Ugly Sweater 2024 mustard: 20240r EMC Peppermint: 36,000 r (2023-10) Grandma's Oven: 33,333r (2023-10) little tree (book): 5k Little Sapling: 20K Christmas bells (book): We wish you a merry christmas: Christmas cookies: Secret Santa Head in staff head thread: chickeneer Blizz Ard's Arm: 10k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Blizz Ard's Nose: 10k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Blizz Ard's Eye: 10k (Aug. 12th, 2018) (2014) Avalauncher: 500k (annual) Avalauncher: 7k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Elf Hat: 20k (2020-03) Santa Hat: 300 k (2020-03) (2014) Holiday Message: 700k (2019) A Visit from St. Nicholas: 10k
60k Gear Big Daddy Helmet: 1.4M+ rupees Bullet Proof Vest: 1.4M+ Cactus Pants: 1.4M+ Feather Fallllling Boots: 1.4M+ Flaming Mob Launcher: 1.5M (upd. 2020-10) Everlasting Axestopper: 1.2M Turfinator: 1.4M+ Ore Buster: 2.7 mil (upd. 2024-09) 100k Gear Scooooba Mask: 35k Potato Plate: 35k Bionic Pants: 35k Bubble Boots: 35k Chicken Skewer: 35k Sharpshooter: 35k Shear Madness: 35k Mineral Mincer: 50k 500k Gear Half-Mill Grill: 60k 500k Mile Boots: 60k Pizza Hut 500k Special Pick: 60k 500k Acre Hoe: 60k Fahrenheit 500k Blade: 60k 500k Golden Spoon: 60k Indy 500k Hot Rod: 60k 5-Double-'O'K Bow: 60k Starter Gear All of the new starter gear is available for free with /promo newplayer. Starter Boots (old): 70k Starter Leggings (old): 70k Starter Chestplate (old): 70k Starter Helmet (old): 70k Starter Sword (old): 70k Starter Pickaxe (old): 70k Starter Horse (new): up to 5k (/promo newplayer) Starter Horse (old): 300k+ Getting Started (book): Unknown Next Step (book): Unknown Second Chance (book): 3k Second Chance (old book): 5k Mob Drops Marlix's Helmet: 15k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Marlix's Armor: 15k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Marlix's Leggings: 15k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Marlix's Boots: 15k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Marlix's Bow: 10k-15k (2024-04) Momentus's Helmet: 45k Momentus's Toothpick: 10k (2021-08) Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock: 50k (can be bought at /shopworld) Dragon Stone Fragment: 500 Dragon Stone: 5k Zombie Virus: 10 rupees Shiny Flesh: 10 rupees Shiny Arrow: 10 rupees Survival Update v2 Spark: 750 rupees (2021-01) Witch's Gem: Lvl 1: 40k (2023-10) Lvl2: 50k Lvl3: 100k Lvl4: 300k Charged Pearl: Unknown Shiny Carrot: 1.5k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Shiny Fur: 1000r (2022-03) Padded Fur: 2000r (2022-03) Padded Fur Armor: based on Padded Fur cost Lucky Rabbit Foot: 750 (Aug. 12th, 2018) Vindication: 100k (2023-09) Steel Spike: 2000 (update 2021-02) Charged Steel Spike: 3000 (update 2021-02) Steel Ingot: 45K (update 2023-05) Steel Armour: based on number of ingots required Weak Venom Weak Venom (extended): Unknown Venom: Unknown Venom (extended) Strong Venom Strong Venom (extended) Bloody Shoes: 2k (2021-02) ALL "Fiery" Food Items: 100r (2021-01) Ghast Heart: 5k (2021-02) Weighted Arrow: 2k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Potion of Super Fire Resistance: 10k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Crystal Pearl: 750 (Aug. 12th, 2018) Potion of Levitation: 20k (Aug. 12th, 2018) Fragile Elytra: 1k (2021-02) Ender Blade: 7k (2024-11)
Heads- MOVED see Staff Heads Acquisition Forum Page Rares Original Dragon Egg: 80M+ rupees (May 18th, 2019) Dragon Egg: 20M+ rupees (2021-11) (2022-04) Dragon Poop: 250k rupees (update 2022-07) Super Dragon Poop: 240k rupees (update 2021-08) IcecreamCow Skin: 18k rupees (update 2024-02) IcecreamCow Flesh: 18k rupees (update 2024-02) Instructions: 1M+ rupees T-Virus Vaccine: 100k rupees Empire Waffle: 35k (2021-07) Maxarian Head: 75k rupees (update 2022-09) Book of Colors: 550k rupees (update 2020-03) old Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock (maxarian fires): 1.5 mil + rupees (update 2023-04) A piece of a pyramid: Unknown UHC Golden Apple: 2.2M+ rupees (Jul. 7th, 2018) Enraged Zombie: 50k rupees Enraged Zombie (lored): 45k rupees Enraged Guardian: 50k rupees Enraged Guardian (lored): 45k rupees Netherhound: 220k rupees Netherhound (lored): 150k rupees Iron Referral Block of Clickyness: 350k+ rupees Gold Referral Block Of Clickyness: Unknown Diamond Referral Block Of Clickyness: Unknown Diamond Voter's Block: 3M+ rupees Redstone Voter's Block: 600k+ rupees Iron Voter's Block: ?? Gold Voter's Block: ?? Emerald Voter's Block: 2mil+ rupees Beacon Voter's Block: 600k++ rupees Lucky Bow: 1.06 mil rupees (update 2024-08) Pi Pie: 50k rupees (update 2022-09) (2017) Minecon Earth T-Shirt: 65k (update 2020-11) (2018) Minecon Earth Hat: 25k (update 2020-11) Fish Bowl: 2.8Mil (2021-02) Presidential Pen: 70k (2022-01) Remote Shop Sign: 2k rupees Economy Destroying Drop Party 2013 Aikar Signature: Unknown Aikar's Head: 1M rupees ICC Eggnog: 9M rupees (Aug. 12th, 2018) Promo Instructions: 1.7Mil (2020-11) PPP 2014 Maxarian Shoes: 10 mil+ (update 2023-07) 80k Empire Armor Helmet: Unknown 80k Empire Armor Chestplate: Unknown 80k Empire Armor Leggings: Unknown 80k Empire Armor Boots: Unknown Horse ManEwwEr: 8+ mil (update 2020-01) Purple Krysyyjane Head: Unknown Purple Aikar Head: 1M+ rupees Purple People Party Paper: 1.2M+ rupees Tales of Eternia: 2.2M+ rupees (Aug. 12th, 2018) PPP 2017 EMC's 6th Birthday (Krysyy book): 660k rupees (Jul. 7th, 2018) Happy 6th Birthday EMC (Aikar book): 450k rupees Purple Krysyy Head (see staff head thread) Purple Aikar Head: (see staff head thread) Purple Power Crystal: 1.25M rupees (update 2021-12) Power Armor Helmet: 4.6M rupees Power Armor Chestplate: 4.6M rupees Power Armor Leggings: 4.6M rupees Power Armor Boots: 4.6M rupees PPP 2019 Krysyy head: (see staff head thread) Aikar head: (see staff head thread) Aikar's Computer: 2mil (2022-02) Krysyy's Dancing Boots: 2+mil (update 2022-09) PPP 2020 Krysyy head: (see staff head thread) Aikar Scuba Hat: 1.3 mil Explosive Arrow: 150k avg PPP 2021 Aikar head: (see staff head thread) Krysyy head: (see staff head thread) chickeneer head: (see staff head thread) 10th Birthday Candle: Aikar's Voters Sword: 8.5 mil (update 2021-09) PPP 2022 11th Birthday Aikar head: (see staff head thread) Krysyy head: (see staff head thread) chickeneer head: (see staff head thread) 11th Birthday Candle:25k 11th Birthday Shard: 25k 11th Birthday: Equipment: 550k-650k (Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots/Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel/Sword/Hoe/Crossbow/Trident) PPP 2023 12th Birthday chickeneer head: (see staff head thread) Silken Pants: 125k (2024-11) 12th Birthday Candle: a sticky hat (12th bday): Party Parrot: 2 mil (2024-09) Light as a chickeneer feather (12th bday): Other (Minecraft Rares) Infinity+Meding Bow: Staff Heads Acquisition Forum Page Staff Signature Acquisition Forum Page by fighter_Ethan [Mancub - original promo list] ** Disclaimer: If for whatever reason I disappear, someone else should feel free to start a replacement thread linking back to mine so it's easier to move forward with this. I am keeping this thread up to date based on input from the community. I am crowd sourcing this list from the entire EMC community. Please feel to keep posting on this thread to help me keep it up to date as prices change.
fun fact: a long time ago, i gave a list of all the promos/rares on emc to the_mancub as he wanted to make his promo price thread well i love to see how this list has not changed at all means i made a very clean/neat list i think even the colors of the titles are the same keep up the good work
Yep.. link to the old thread are in the OP in fact. Was being maintained by burki until his departure
Chin told jewel but i forget now how many.. but they are just a renamed deco head so not a high value. edit: they are deco NotSure1 heads
I wonder, is there a way to check the price of it currently? Or are those numbers lost to the sands of time?