Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. Flag Parade!!!

    On June 14th, in the USA we will celebrate Flag Day. On EMC, we have players from all over the world, so we're going to host an awesome Flag Parade to show off our favorite flags. You can choose a design that displays your heritage, or any banner design of your choice. Each player will place their chosen banner on a shield so that they can hold it in the parade. Horses will not be allowed for players, only by the parade leader (pacesetter slow horse with Krysyy on it). If you don't want to walk in the parade, spectators are welcome.

    Location: Utopia. Working on Residence details before giving number...

    June 14th
    1st parade: 7 pm EMC time

    June 15th
    2nd parade: 10 am EMC time
    3rd parade: TBA if applicable
  2. Nice! I'll try to be there :D
    Nickblockmaster and Tuqueque like this.
  3. khixan and 607 like this.
  4. Wow! Does this mean I can finally pull out my Comander Banner? I'd love to go to the 2nd or 3rd Parade, because unfortunately my driving class ends at 7 :oops:. Either way I'll still try to attend :D
    Nickblockmaster and Tuqueque like this.
    29672057602 and ThaKloned like this.
  6. il try to make it ::)
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  7. Awesome, I'll be there :)
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  8. Ill try to make it :p
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  9. Y Ddraig Goch = The Red Dragon/Flag of Wales (literal translation: the dragon red)
    A = and
    Baner Ewrop = Flag of Europe (literal: flag europe)
    Burki and ThaKloned like this.
  10. Cool I can lend you a speed 50 horse if you want xD
    ChumMiner likes this.
  11. I’ll have my Lederhosen worn and my Deutschland banner poised!
    Lukas3226 and Burki like this.
  12. Yehha, I’ll ride in on my Waffle
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  13. This will be my 3rd Flag Day! Whoop Whoop!
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  14. I shall try to make it there.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  15. Exciting! Count me in, I'll do my best to be there! :D
  16. Who can find Scotland's Saltire in there, as I am sure Krysyy wouldn't have left it out while including both the English and Welsh flags. Although it does have Switzerland's flag, which is a big plus.
    RainbowChin and OriginalScuf like this.
  17. I believe still have the little flag banner/shield I made for this event either last year or the year before that! If so I aughtta bring that specific one with me this year :D
    PetezzaDawg and OriginalScuf like this.
  18. Hmm I don’t see Saint Andrew’s Cross in there