EMC Final Election Debate 2019

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 19, 2019.

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  1. Such as the special sword and special bow we already release on occasion at mob arena, in addition to the mob items that are dropped? Or the special firefloor head you can only get for winning last block standing, with the other items provided being tokens and an assortment of donation goodies from the community who is invested? Rewards already exist for these types of events. Do you intend for more?
  2. No, if they already exist than I think that is satisfactory. I suck at mob arena and firefloor so I have yet to win any of these prizes. I do not think we should do a head. I mean it seems kinda lackluster of an award. I think it would be nice to mix it up and do the rotating pieces of armor, no?
  3. :( it saddens me that people would do that, i got one of my accounts stolen a while back, thankfully i was able to get it back but it was sad experience

    In my Opinion the Best way to Connect the Community, is cross SMP chat, now im not sure exactly how hard this would be to implement (maybe after 1.13 is finished being added?) but this would be a great way connect people
  4. #6 If I could change a rule the rule I would change is regarding the forum rules.

    F6: Do Not Try to Bend the Rules

    If you do something that we do not allow, even if it isn't explicitly listed here, you are still breaking the rules. Offenses covered by this rule include:

    • Attempting to bypass the rules
    • Breaking the rules in a subtle way
    • Doing something you know isn't allowed, even if it isn't listed here
    • Disobeying the staff team
    Staff decision is final.

    The highlighted part of the rule is what I would change. I would change this rule and remove the "even if it isn't listed here."

    The reason why I think this should be changed is because it makes no sense. How can you know what you literally do no know. Essentially what I am asking is additional explanation and possibly imputing another piece to the rule stating "Staff reserve the right to make any additional rules even if it is not currently listed here. In the event a new rule is needed that community will be notified of this rule change prior to it being put in effect to ensure people can adjust their behavior accordingly."

    This is merely just a suggestion.

    The other rule I might like to see changed is regarding auctions. I believe the expanding forums list or recent posts has been an AMAZING improvement! :D I know there was lost of confusion around the auction rules but I was recently checking them and I would ask that non-supporters be allowed to have 2 or 3 auctions going at once compared to currently only 1.

    I think it will overall make things more lively, give costumers more choices of items in the auction, and also allow people to make more money. It's a really simple fix, no resources required by staff and we can all have fun! Also people can than auction items that might not have the highest return on investment. Especially when auctions could take up to 48 hours which means that for two days regular players have to wait to make any additional money if their primary business is auctions. It will expand the state of play for them. The current rules regarding bumping would stay in place because that is an issue in itself and I hope we can make incremental steps that will help the community! :) <3

    Link to those rules is below https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/forum-specific-rules/ and https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/auction-rules/
  5. This part highlighted is specifically never going to be removed. It is a clause in effect to protect the players of EMC and a reference for more severe crimes that are committed via the forums. Without going into too much detail: soliciting for inappropriate stuff, hacking accounts, etc all fall under this disclaimer. It's something that the general public recognizes as problematic on the basis of morals and not just because we say so, and we don't list in entirety because we don't choose to define a list and have something missed.

    On that note, what is a standard rule (not forums based), which you would change and why?
  6. If i were to change 1 EMC rule it would be to Allow EMC members to report players through the EMC discord server

    it would take very little time to set up a channel for Reports and would allow players to Report In game rule breaking when there aren't any Staff online EMC

    Yes i know you can report using the forum but if there isn't any staff currently Viewing the forum it could take a lot longer for the report to be seen, and allowing the rule breaker to continue to break rules

    While using discord on the other hand can instantly give a staff member a notification :)
  7. I do not know if you are aware, but when someone types /report in-game, it sends to 3 locations for staff:
    1. In-game chat (for staff online in-game)
    2. Square (for staff logged in to the system online, usually at same time as forums with google chrome notification pop-ups
    3. Slack (staff instant messaging platform, that also pings available staff. Mine even pings my phone and wristwatch when not during sleeping hours)

    I am not aware of any instance lately where staff response was significantly delayed when /report was used. Do you have a specific example?
  8. i can think of a specific Example but, im not Saying what we have Already Doesn't work just that We Can Improve the System we have already very easily by adding a Report Channel in the Discord Server,

    This would be easy to implement and Help EMC stay Family Friendly with no downsides i can see

    Id also like to Hear what Windylava has to say on this :)
  9. Ah ok I was confused about it but that makes sense. For a standard rule I would reiterate the auctions rules I mentioned above? or do you want me to talk about the 10 main rules?
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