EMC Final Election Debate 2019

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 19, 2019.

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  1. Thank you for clarifying. My follow-up to this: do you feel that player focus on past issues is helpful or harmful to EMC's future, and why?
  2. There are some players who would disagree and would state that you complete tasks solely for the good of your own SSRC corporation. Your interest in the EMC shop for one. Please remind the community your reasoning for why the EMC shop should return in an economy currently ruled and governed by the community solely. Why rely on staff to moderate this instance, but push for community-driven everything else?
  3. I want to reiterate that the first sentence is a commonly believe goal of everyone on EMC including the staff. In addition, I want to explain that one of my main points was about "Frequent polls and transparency from the admin will go a long way towards building trust and making people feel as if they have power and influence on the issues."I was not really talking about the EMC suggestion box or that it is not used. I was congratulating the current path and I was expressing my support to continue down it.
  4. I believe it is helpful because you must learn from the past in order to not repeat the same mistakes. :)
  5. Staff-held events are held to a different and much higher standard than player-hosted events. If a server is advertising something, it's required to be of a certain quality in order to ensure players are happy. The staff are trained on handling and diffusing situations that may arise, in order to keep everything going smoothly. Official server adverts are used because it is the server hosting the event.
    Staff who host personal events do NOT use the advertising system and simply server-hop to get their message out, just as all players do. Why is 'server-hopping' advertisement not sufficient for players hosting events?
  6. It's developmentally possible, but as an entire system together, not haphazard teleport signs. The stream base is less than a stone's throw away from the outpost and is merely a convenience for a server advertisement. What you are suggesting is a teleport to the wild in a currently survival world that relies on players risking items in order to adventure, as a survival server should. It is true that with Empires, this will be changed slightly, but there will be a balance system in place for it. Why is playing survival on a survival server so difficult?
  7. Well I can tell you an Empire shop wouldn't benefit SSRC. It would benefit the community. I can go into quite a long discussion of economics, supply and demand, but I won't because this has already been explained once. The shop does not serve as a regulator or a cap it serves as a last resort. That's why the prices were higher than the market. If the community wishes the shop to not exist than that is their choice. I will never stand in the way of the community.
  8. I feel it would be a nice gesture of the staff showing their support for the community! :) Also they get those fancy colored messages which are awesome! It would be so cool for them to be provided the legitimacy that those colorful adverts provide.
  9. It's not, it's a way for people in the frontier to be able to come back to town and participate more with the community. It would make life easier but as I say for everything, let the community decide if they want it because a lot of people were excited for it. I being one of those people and this was what was told to us. :D
  10. Minecraft, including EMC, is a game which requires a certain amount of effort to complete a task. In the past, I sat at a computer for hours (as many other players did) to dig out my residence with iron shovels because I wanted the bottom empty for a project of mine. While digging, myself and other members had fun and laughed.
    'Oh, back at it again?'
    'Yeah, gotta get it done so I can start building'
    'Need to buy any more iron shovels?'
    'Nah, got a stash of a dc left, lol'
    Conversations like above were commonplace. Players, including myself, PLAYED the game. We didn't expect some magic wand to do it all for them. When the magic wand option came into play, the cost was intended to equal the convenience of not having to do it yourself on a survival server.

    I respectfully have to ask the question of 'isn't the point of Minecraft to PLAY the game?'
  11. It's no problem dude, I'm sorry that you have not seen us at our height :(
  12. And therein you use the term that causes the most problems: legitimacy.

    Staff do attend player events on a frequent basis, but we do not want to upstage the hosts so we try to respectfully tell people it's not our event the whole time. The colored messages are used because the server is hosting the event and there is a required legitimacy in order to attain that color. Imagine being a new player and seeing this official looking announcement about an event going across the screen. You go to the event, but it's actually kind of a dud due to disorganization or a host who is overwhelmed. You then believe that all events on EMC are duds and you quit because you thought it was 'lame'. Players associate colored messages with official server items and official legitimate quality as a general rule on ALL game servers, sort of ingrained in the gamer mindset. We have a certain bar we have to meet because every event is being judged and graded by the community.

    How do you prevent the issues with legitimacy if you have player events running on the same system?
  13. I believe we do play the game? But like everything in life we are trying to improve EMC. I support allowing people to be with their friends. Consolidating the SMPs is not an option and I believe this is a good compromise. I do not feel like the question that you just gave me was even a question. I'm only responding to suggestion that you asked for. In EMC the conversation you said that you had "fun and laughed" is barely possible on some SMPs because of the low player count. They should be allowed to move and have these community interaction and be punished a random New player Server selection system.
  14. I'm confused are you implying that player events can never compete with staff events? Because I disagree and in fact your yourself said you wanted to use less resources. The legitimacy problem can be solved by the application process of putting a simple"[Player Event]"in front of the message. I feel that this will be a great compromise <3 :)
  15. Your suggestion was to lower the price of a service which the player could simply do through manual labor. You then argued that the problem is people don't have the time. My argument was that the cost is defined by effort and is not as arbitrary as you make it out to be. Effort = playtime.

    I have joined and laughed with only 5 players online at 2 am in the morning. Consolidating everyone to a few select smps is not encouraging community growth of the smps left behind. Instead, encouraging players to communicate and make friends with new players and across the smps is my rebuttal. If you think that some smps are quiet, then get off your home smp and go visit other smps and talk to people outside of your comfort zone.

    So my question to you: What else could be done to encourage player-to-player interaction, apart from just putting people on active servers? Specific examples please.
  16. I was using a hypothetical, and one I've seen firsthand. Not all player events are great, though most try and succeed at doing so.

    With this compromise, should there be limits? Standardized message formats? Etc?
  17. I did I made a house on SMP7. I'm very comfortable outside my zone. Community interactions can be improved through as stated earlier events, but being able to move to stronger more vibrant communities help. I believe that time is the most important commodity in the real world. So for that I'd say saving people time is important. I'm not promoting Communism or welfare I'm literally advocating for a little help. Player to player interactions can also be encouraged if you made the empire teleports. All the above mentioned comments are my response to the question. Those are my solutions and I hope the people of EMC support them with me.
  18. You can include limits such as one event a month, or limiting the text to only one or two colors so that it doesn't cause people headaches.
  19. If everyone moves to stronger and vibrant communities (smps), what becomes of the smps that aren't so vibrant?
  20. They wait until the community expands again to accommodate the need. New players will be directed to the populated servers and as they build people will spill out and the server's community will grow and flourish.
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