[Forum Game] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by SoulPunisher, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. UFOS has started pressuring Cuba to remove itself from the GAD we are not doing this as a threat from HMKX we are doing this beacuse we dont want them to be allies with more than one nation
  2. UFOS would also like to announce that our first test with our new nuclear bomb was a resounding success


    Conservative Party: 11 Provinces
    Liberal Party: 7 Provinces
    New Democratic Party: 2 Provinces
    French Republic Freedom Party: 2 Provinces

    In the recent election held this year in 1982, the Conservative Party excelled overall competition and laid rest to a long Liberal reign. The current President congratulated his opponent and shook his hand with ease. Innaguration will take place in 2 posts.

    The French Republic Freedom Party was a very odd party to have struck through the government. They are a party which believes in the French heritage of Canada and the negotiation of peace. Needless to say, only French Provinces liked them...

    The newly elected presidential candidate is no underdog in politics. He has seen long-run success in being the Premiere of Ontario, TWICE, and being an active member of the government. Among his promises were his foreign deals. What he believes in is excessive trade deals all throughout the world and spreading of culture and influence. That was his main goal of this campaign, to reach out to the rest of the world and open up diplomatic trade agreements. Not only does he believe in foreign campaigns, but also with issues in his own homeland. He promises to bring better healthcare, more coverage for the disabled, homeless, and those unable to work or those struggling, and the utmost support for United North Veterans.

    Rebuilding the economy and lowering the unemployment rate is a must, and giving out more jobs to citizens is critical. The education system is dipping as well, and he realizes this. The Minister of Education he has chosen has started plans to bring new curriculums and to teach our young while they still shine.

    As for the military, he wishes to grow it greatly, but not only that, he wishes to make strong alliances with other great nations to become a prosperous superpower. He does not speak ill of The Empire as of yet, but he clearly points out that their regime needs to stop the growing process that it's accelerating at. Last Presidents said that they would bring peace throughout and avoid conflict, that unfortunately was a lie, and the new Presidential candidate explains that he will not boast in these lies and rather commit to a promise and be honest with his people. Now, Annexing countries are out of the question. What does TUN need in more colonies? Nothing, its draining and ruthless, that's why he promises as Cheif Officer to apply Democracy all throughout the world and by demobilizing dangerous military forces.

    With that, focus on NPAT is crucial, and he wishes to fund and support the alliance greatly. As for the USA, he has spoken about his lack of gratitude for them. The USA to him is a pitiful sight, making alliances with "enemies" instead of staying neutral and neglecting their "hat" so to speak is not something he adores.

    All in all, more words will be spoken by the Presidential Candidate later on.

  4. Cuba is apart of NPAT. And sorry, we were their allies before you were. You can even check in the previous pages.
  5. TUN army announces that their statement on training their troops to not fear death was propaganda by some media company. That media station has been seen for many years as being untruthful.
  6. UFOS has started trying to get Cuba to pull out of the NPAT as it now comes down to who they like more in other news the UFOS airforce has very Generously donated 100 of its gen-2 fighters to Cuba
  7. Cuba is not backing out. We have had excessive trade deals with them and have assisted them in peacekeeping acts.

    Cuba kindly declined the gen-2 fighters as they don't find use in taking weak planes from other nations. Besides, TUN has already equipped them with much superior firepower.

    TUN warns UFOs that if they don't get their noses out of Cuban and NPAT business that TUN will end their trade deal with them.

    The newly elected President hates to have to raise tensions with UFOs, but if they keep trying to pull out key NPAT members then TUN will have to take action. It's just like the Marshall Islands all over again...
  8. Relationships with the new NPAT members have been going great.

    Trade deals and diplomatic acts have been made with Afghanistan and Pakistan, and peacekeeping troops have been sent into Algeria and Kenya to assist the government in aid for other countries. TUN's presence in Africa is very positive and many countries show their love for what TUN is doing to aid their people.

    TUN leaders sat down for a meeting with Pakistani leaders and have negotiated ways to make peace with India. War with India would be bad, as TUN will have to get involved.

    Food, supplies, and medical aid are being given out to African countries in dire need, much of them whom are war-torn and broken. New schools are also being built in small villages.

    Relationships with Cameroon and the Ivory Coast are going great, as both leaders are rebuilding their nation and focusing on their economy, rather than gaining ultimate power. Nigeria focuses on this too but strives to construct a huge military. Chad has become a democratic state and pushes for peace. TUN has given them their Independence but still stays as a strong ally and a great help.

    Romania, Greece and Italy, although two of them are indeed apart of the commonwealth, fund NPAT projects and contribute as well as they can and are greatly thanked by the rest of the congregation. Oregon, California and Flordia are prosperous and contribute the best they can to NPAT deals, while still being big UN trading partners.

    Wisconsin and Idaho, both NPAT members in a GAD country are looking for ways to get out of the USA. Citizens are protesting for an NPAT alliance and many politicians are condemning the USA for going ahead with a GAD alliance. Overall, some states in the USA are mad at the GAD alliance and wish to be apart of NPAT. We have yet to hear a response from the USA leaders.
  9. After repeated protests and attacks on the government, we have decided to retract its request to be a part of the GAD. We will allow Wisconsin and Idaho to be a part of the NPAT again, but not all of the US. The leaders are still very skeptical though, so we're not going to completely trust them.

    Using the nuclear research by Javor and other pre-unification countries, the US is going to start developing the new Patriot-R I, an IRBM capable of holding 1 Mt. Testing expected post 1515.
  10. The new structure of government flowchart I made:
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  11. OOC:what are we trading again?

    we would like to kindly remind TUN that we have the backing of HMKX and wont hesitate to stop trade with TUN
  12. Petroleum for Wine

    Oh, we aren't afraid of The Empire, neither are they afraid of us. If you want to start a war because you're trying to claim something we claimed first, be my guest.
  13. OOC:does anybody have an alliance with Kuwait?

    UFOS would also like to remind TUN that we could find other places for our petroluem maybe HMKX..?
  14. OOC: no

    That's fine, consider our trade agreement done. TUN President remarks the UFOs government as childish and back to their old ways from when they tried taking UN lands for the reason of Coconut oil. NPAT nations have condemned UFO.
  15. NPAT does not scare UFOS

    In other new UFOS has decided to annex Kuwait and make them our NEW exporter of petroluem
    And remember UFOS only did that because we were facing a National Pandemic
  16. Our troops will arrive in Kuwait in 5 posts
  17. TUN is warning the UFOs to halt their troops immediately. Annexing a country for no apparent reason is wrong, especially an Independent Monarchy. The Empire was right when they called UFOS a loose cannon, and TUN hopes that GAD condemns these reckless actions. First, it was Australia, a Sovereign nation with no need of being a colony again, and now Kuwait.

    TUN wants the world to know that UFOs cannot be trusted and should have consequences to their reckless actions.
  18. UFOS would like to remind them that they are the ONLY nation that sees UFOS as a loose cannon but for now we have halted our troops to wait and see what transpires
  19. No, its because I'm not your nations ally. Remember when The Empire would mock your country dry? Now the HMKX is supposedly your "friend." Can you not see? The one who cursed you in front of the whole world as a danger source is now sending you weapons and battleships. They are only doing this to take over the world, can you not see? Becoming an ally with the third strongest nation in the world and expanding their empire is only a step closer to world domination. You. are. a. puppet. to. the. HMKX.
  20. No one controls UFOS if anything the gain is ours for partnering with HMKX