Here goes. There's been a lot of good, true, stuff that's been said here. I agree with some of it, some of it, I don't. But the idea that it is a choice, is, imo, completely unfounded and just completely impractical. It's a choice? Okay. When do they choose? When they are born? When they hit puberty? When they enter school? And as one of my gay friends put it, why in the world would anyone choose to be gay? I mean, for a VERY long time, homosexuals have been hated by the people who claim that by being straight, they are 'pure' and 'natural' and therefore have the right to just bash anyone who's not straight. I know a lot of people who are so uninformed that when they actually meet someone who is homosexual, they will be scared. What in the world is there to be scared of? I mean, I was once playing baseball in the park with my friends and their young sister. A lesbian couple was walking down the path, holding hands. None of us had ever seen or met them, or anything. They started kissing, and the little girl, who was sitting on a bench, started pointing, like, "Ew, what are THEY kissing for?" she promptly ran away. Tbh, I was outraged. What had the couple ever done, other than be lesbian, that made them subject to that kind of harassment, much of it more public and derogatory? I had a lot more but I deleted it because I don't think I would be here much longer if a staff member had seen it. I hope my little rant makes sense. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I really try never to do that. *edit* And while we're on the subject of religion, I agree with Aus here. There are a lot of people who call themselves atheists when they mean to say they are agnostics. (I am agnostic.) Atheism is basically the idea that god does NOT exist, and that anyone who believes it does is completely and totally wrong. Agnosticism is, basically, the idea that "We can't prove He's there, but we can't prove He's not there, so let's call it a draw." Agnosticism is about as close as you can get to beig religiously neutral. Disclaimer: The above definitions of atheism and agnosticism are not official, nor are they taken from a dictionary. I did my best to explain them in the terms more familiar to me. If I said something wrong or that you disagree with, I'm terribly sorry about that.
There are species that have evolved past the need for 2 standard sexes in terms of reproduction. Even some that have a safeguard where with only one gender left in a group, one will actual become the "other" gender to accommodate for reproduction. Evolution is an rather crazy thing.
Very true, but for the time being I think it's best if we don't push to make homo sapiens, or whatever homo species we evolve into, a genderless species. But that's just what I'm used to. I can't control what will become of humans over the next few hundred millennia.
I agree, and honestly to put homosexuality from a cynical standpoint. It is a form of population control.
I believe this is a very simple concept, as I've shown before: Accept? (Y/N) yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
We are all raised differently, that's understood. What isn't understood is the way we were raised because there really isn't any way of explaining to one another how the other was brought up. We would have to live through the life of the other person to fully understand their feelings/motives for a certain subject such as this one. In all honesty, trying to explain to one another about our differing view points on a Minecraft forum is probably not going to change anyone's mind on a matter such as this. There's just so much behind everyone's feelings about this that remaining neutral in this situation seems like(to me) a better standpoint than actually taking a side at the moment. That is all I have to say and will likely not respond with my personal beliefs as the discussion continues.
Basically because that character is somewhat ambiguous and it's hard to establish whether they are male or female. Someone could say "She's hot!" and it infact be male vice versa.
Well, Its either neutral or go down shooting filthy hater atheist liberal terrorist dogs in the name of sumdeity™. People quite simply enjoy finding even the smallest things to take offense against in order to boost their own "point".
I type as if I am making a speech. And I talk really fast, so it doesn't seem that long to me :/ I also like to cross my T's and dot my I's, which makes things a little less concise.
It's not anything new. For the ancient Romans, for example, it was accepted as part of society. It's only recently where it's become "unnatural" or "evil" in the eyes of a noticeably large number of people.
--Actually--I usually like playing the devil's advocate in these situations, but most of the opinions and cross opinions were said enough. Except... Being homosexual is not a choice. Some science and genetic engineers are working on removing the 'gay gene'. For awhile now too. Homosexuality is an abomination to the human race, and I mean that in an absolutely non-offensive way, much like acknowledging any other odd occurrence among human genomes. Albeit a sometimes glorious one, I'd like to add and another feature making our social cultures more diverse. --Thoughts-- Perspective is key in these situations. Sexuality affects people in many ways, and many things affect sexuality. And sexual orientation, is not the core of the what makes a person 'bad'. In the end the only right thing to do is to not give a hoot about someone's private pursuits. Keep your opinions to yourself or open yourself up to other's opinions. Even if homosexuality is a choice for some; it's none of party 'B's' concern. Feel free to hate, but don't pursue it. --Videos-- Both videos make some points and have their share of ridiculousness. Sadly, the hosts exhibited a lot more than the teen. Also, it doesn't matter what age you are. If you stand with conviction on your principles- that will carry on when you become older. Principles and ideals are ageless, just as the young speak it, they grow to into them and continue it's immortality. So no excuse saves an ideal from scrutiny, and none should.