Look what I found

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheFryedmans, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. Do u remember these pics
    I found the old emc shop today and I found a chair for some one


    Im sorry plz don't ban me I told a mod how I got to it and they are fixing it I hope
  2. How about a castle?
  3. You're supposed to be able to go there. There are a few hidden passage ways from the new shopworld to the old one :p
  4. Oh there’s a /v to get there idk what it is I’m away from my computer
  5. I can glitch thourgh the barred to get there but I can't get in allxof them though
  6. I'm pretty sure it's intended to be possible to get to, yeah. But cool! :)
    ShelLuser and ChespinLover77 like this.
  7. Its intended, so many people have gone there, hopefully they leave it for more people to find
  8. Ban him! I am kidding... Maybe...
  9. I've searched and have come up empty handed but if @ShelLuser sees this thread maybe he can post his Shel-venture or Shel-Guide whichever one it is about getting to the old shops and what awaits you there.
    607, ShelLuser and purplebook163 like this.
  10. This isn't good, those are the sacred manuscripts, hand them over to the EMC government now or face a trial. You have until February 31st to hand over all evidence.
    roblikescake likes this.
  11. They are intentional there is also a way to get out of the tutorial also the place you found was used in toades scavenger hunt
  12. Sorry, no guides. But I can confirm that this is all intended; not something which would require fixing or banning. And I has proof of that :D
    AncientTower likes this.
  13. If anyone wants to show me how to get in the proper way please do