Finish Each Other's Sentences (forum game)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BrickStrike, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Foxy_Kitty.

    Who now has the ban stick and her first ban was
  2. laid on the hands of the staff team, the first to go was JDhallows. (if I spelt it right :p)

    Foxy thought that with the staff team now gone, she
  3. Was safe but she was wrong out comes toade from vanish with his eviltadpole army!

    THE_OP_VILLAGER gasped!! And then did

    Sry this is my first time doing this hope it’s not to weird :p
  4. (It's not weird I said a cat was filled with cake frosting before, and it's fun to be weird
    I mean look at this one :p)

    the flop.

    Tbird1128 became Foxy's loyal assistant and caged EvilToade up and tried to seduce him, his response was
  5. "Dear God NOOOOOO!"

    Tbird1128 cries and....
  6. ...goes to post about the experience on the Finish Each Other's Sentences (forum game) thread.

    To which, the next person to post on the thread responds...
  7. HELP I need a desert for one of my classes!

    and then....
  8. ...people respond with lots of suggestions <3

    I then decide to make...
  9. Cooked villager meat

    THe_OP_VILLAGER then walks into class and
  10. Bows to the teacher, becoming the teacher's pet.

    Foxy screams and
  11. does absolutely nothing, because that's normal.
    Warlord678 tries to create a nuke, then
  12. forgets how to make it and blew all his money out on food.

    Confused, Tbird1128
  13. huh. Why did you blow all your money on food?

    You could have gone to the......
  14. waste and make some food yourself.

    The chicken then
  15. decided to go to the End and replace the ender dragon as one of the main bosses of Minecraft.

    Total chaos happened when...
  16. promos became the new currency of the world

    edit: and then!
  17. jewel edited his post because he forgot what this thread was about.

    CarFryer was disgusted, and
    607 likes this.
  18. gave him a cookie!

    which was made of....
  19. metal and poop.

    Jewel died of food poisoning, and joined the staff team in heaven, to which they replied
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