Finish Each Other's Sentences (forum game)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BrickStrike, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. ate the cake instead.

    My mom screamed and yelled
  2. , "That's not frosting!"

    Mysteriously, the cat
  3. Came out of my sister's room in the REAL cake frosting.

    Confused, my brother
  4. Lept into a vat of molasses,

    And then the ferret
  5. said i love you

    after this i
  6. Ate my cat, whom wouldn't stop screaming.

    My Aunt
  7. is awesome

    she always
  8. says she loves ants.

    Ants are such
  9. a pain in the butt. They go
  10. from A+ to F when they eat my sister's birthday cake.

    The nuggets
  11. Are chicken.

    The chickens are
  12. as creamy as potato pie.

    607 decided
  13. he needed more chicken heads

    so he
  14. became a chicken abuser.

    He then became a
  15. Cow abuser

    and sadly, that was when the creeper....
  16. sacrificed him.

    The mourning staff team
  17. Forgot his name.

    And his dog
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  18. Peed on his remains.

    In the meantime the zombie....
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  19. jumped in the hot tub.

    Then the enderman said,
  20. "I feel like Krysyy should be defeated."

    So he created an enderman army and killed Krysyy, making the new leader of EMC be