[UPDATE] Recently Active Threads

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 607, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. Woah, did the Recently Active Threads box just get twice as long?!? :eek:
  2. Now it'll be much more difficult for you to fill the entire recently active threads box... ;)
    FadedMartian, 607, _BRZ and 1 other person like this.
  3. Success :)
    andra137 likes this.
  4. This is a very big change!
    andra137 likes this.
  5. Lol, not that big of a change. Working on a hopeful fix for the auctions issue, but in the meantime figured that this would allow more threads to be immediately viewable for those that have a hard time accessing the forums.
    Harp4Christ, 607 and andra137 like this.
  6. It's double the threads, I consider that a big change. :p We'll see how much of an impact it has, though.
  7. Since making an entire thread for this is a bit hmm, I'll suggest it here:

    Can the "Recently Active Threads" text above the 20 recently active threads on the front page be made into an (not noticable, preferably) link to the "What's new" page? Would be especially handy on mobile, so you don't have to scroll up to see more threads. :)
    607 likes this.
  8. A link to 'What's New?'?
  9. Ahum, oops. :p Yes - edited. :)
  10. I'll look into it. In the meantime, you can click on forums, and there's a shortcut right there for 'what's new?'
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. Thanks. :)

    Yeah, that's what I've been doing the past always, but it just seems so logical to add a link there. :)
    607 likes this.
  12. I was literally thinking the same exact thing
  13. Managed to figure that part out pretty easily. Added the link =)
    Jelle68, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  14. Woot! Awesome, thanks a ton! :D I think we have a new upcoming forum wizard. ;)
    607 likes this.
  15. Very good. :)
  16. It does seem like the change has much less of an impact than I might have imagined. :p
    I do like it, though!