Mob Heads I need: Hostile Mob Heads: Illusioner (Qty: 1) Passive Mob Heads: Parrot: Blue (Qty: 1); Gray (Qty: 1) Thanks
Other potions are under 10k I think. The wiki lists this one as uncommon while the strong venom and normal venom are rare and the extended ones are very rare. Would you go for 15k maybe?
Just wanted to mention I made an error and gave you a "weak venom (extended)"instead of a "weak venom". So I guess today is your lucky day.
I will mail it back when I get home if you want to mail me the other one. Wait isn't there only 1 weak venom? Lol will check when I get home.
Bump! Willing to trade: My extra Dragon Poop + 20k for your Super Dragon Poop. My 2017 Birthday Cookie (x2) for your 2018 Birthday Cookie (x1)