[Community Event] Staff Appreciation 2018

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Jun 1, 2018.


Staff appreciation?!

Poll closed Jul 1, 2018.
Yussss 15 vote(s) 55.6%
I dunno, too much staff 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Staff? 3 vote(s) 11.1%
I want to be staff! :) 7 vote(s) 25.9%
Nah, no staff please. 1 vote(s) 3.7%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 1 vote(s) 3.7%
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  1. Yes, I forgot to edit the logo: Mojang, sue me! This is my own doing, I think it looks better (don't call me lazy pls).


    It is that time of the year again!

    (now has an actually working link!)

    But first something which is really important to me personally, I hope you'll read (I'll try to be brief):


    There will be some of you who will now point at this (figuratively) and think "Of course he did..." (time of writing). But then you'd be dead wrong, and the only reason I'm writing this is because I want to set the record straight: why I'm doing this? A title? Nah. Don't get me wrong: I seriously appreciate it and I'm also looking forward to going gold for a month on the Empires expense. It did trigger some things from me, but that is not why I do what I do here.

    I had a little run in with staff last year. Nothing too serious and I still think it was plain out stupid. But it did get me agitated enough to drop this whole thing. There wasn't going to be a 2018 event. SO here's the fun part: I told some players close to me about this and they basically told me upright that I was being a moron. And I loved it, because thinking back they were right. One small simple comment really: "but what if we enjoyed that event? I don't want to PM staff just to tell them how great they are and now I can tell 'm what I really think about 'm, and you're just going to stop?".

    And this is where it hurt: "Whatever happened to putting your own bias aside?".


    But well deserved and well met. You know who you are.

    Staff appreciation? why?!

    Welcome to the Empire, you must be new here. EMC staff works "a little" different than your average staff team. It's not only about policing, but also about helping and entertaining the community. And sure; staff members made the choice themselves and they deserve what they get.

    But I also think there's a little unfair precedence going around there. Take community appreciation events; I have been told numerous of times that the main reason some players respected the stuff I did was because I didn't have to. I don't have a green name which means there's stuff I can and cannot do, I don't have to answer to anyone unless I break the rules.

    Yet I also recognize the unfairness....

    Why would you nominate staff for some kind of award if they're only doing what they should be doing anyway? Something they took on themselves in the first place! Heck, it's not as if they didn't get their own share for the efforts. And they're basically following orders anyway....

    <disclaimer: the above paragraph is something which I know some critics would say. I don't play favorites, let their voice be heard too>

    (yes, this is a small change with the events before)

    I do think some of those critics have a fair point. Please: NOT open for discussion here. I'll have none of that on this thread, the only reason I am sharing is for transparency sake on my end.

    However, I also think they look past the efforts of the individuals. I know some staff members who will truly go out of their way to get justice done. I know of some staff members who, even after tighting the rules, would still get 'players' involved in an investigation (definitely no comment, not to anyone).

    What I am saying here: you may not like staff, but you cannot deny the effort being put into this by all the individual members to try and help us all out. This is just my wild theory but I say that 20% of staff's time is playing police and the other 80% is helping players out and doing events. And this is the big one: what is good for the Empire is eventually also good for us! (more new players, more buddies around, maybe a more active town.. etc.).

    So what about them, hmmm?

    As such....

    Please vote for your favorite staff members!

    Disclaimer: the results will not be shared with anyone other than Krysyy. For the past 2 years Krysyy has shown interest in the events and I definitely trust her not to abuse the results in any way shape or form (as if there's something to abuse I suppose).

    This is still an assumption on my end but I'm somewhat sure that she'll be interested this year's outcome once again.


    (sorry about that :oops: )

    • Everyone is allowed to vote, but please: don't use alts.
    • Staff members are welcomed to vote, but do not vote for yourself otherwise you'll be disqualified.
    The technical parts:

    Only one small change (extra question) from last year has been added, I think it went decently well last year so...

    And thanks in advance for responding!

    PS (edit):

    What happened to seniors and devs?

    Yups, a little bias on my end. Senior staff can no longer take part in the economy and thus have more or less placed themselves "out" of the game. Sure, they may have alts. That means fair chances for everyone.

    Devs. are a different story. I've had a few discussions but my idea is still: the main focus is being a developer, and although they are classified as staff that's not the main aspect. They may be considered staff by title, but in my impression they're developers first and foremost.

    As such my focus is solely on the 'regular' staff members.
    CDJS, Windylava, 607 and 14 others like this.
  2. I appreciate staff! You should too!
    luckycordel, We3_MPO, khixan and 3 others like this.
  3. The EMC staff do an excellent job, from running events, to helping players, to keeping this community safe. I appreciate them and what they do, because it's a huge part of what makes EMC such a great place! :)

    You should try chatting with them sometime, they're great people :D
    607, luckycordel, We3_MPO and 2 others like this.
  4. Wait, so do we vote by PM'ing you? Or is there a link and I'm blind as a bat?
    607, We3_MPO, ShelLuser and 5 others like this.
  5. Well said.

    Totally agree. They have a unique job and do it very well, to the benefit of everyone.


    Thanks for taking the time to do this Shell!
    607, ShelLuser, We3_MPO and 5 others like this.
  6. sounds cool +1
    We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  7. You guessed right. I'm always interested in these results. I'll be awaiting your pm :)
    607, luckycordel, We3_MPO and 5 others like this.
  8. As always the staff always keep things smooth and I appreciate all that they do to make EMC fun and enjoyable. :)
    607, luckycordel, ShelLuser and 3 others like this.
  9. I don't play in game that much, but the staff play a huge role in the server. It's good for a regular staff member to feel recognized for their actions. :)
  10. I appreciate Aikar. He has nice cats.
    607, luckycordel, Sachrock and 6 others like this.
  11. YAS. I appreciate what the staff does for EMC! I try to tell them each time I report someone in-game or one of my oopies here on the fourms.... despite them turning all of my residences into cake or one of them being a gerbil ;), even with Krysyy crashing 7 a few days ago.... you guys are still awesome and faded in your own ways <3

    I love you greenies... and minties. You rock!
    607, luckycordel, We3_MPO and 4 others like this.
  12. Also consider this a bump :)

    oops :oops:

    This is why you don't post in the middle of the night :p


    607, MoreMoople, We3_MPO and 2 others like this.
  13. DWmom and iamcavie, who are no longer staff members, are on the form.
    607, luckycordel, We3_MPO and 2 others like this.
  14. I don't envy you guys, because thinking about my fellow greenies from a regular player perspective... I've got no idea who I would choose. I'd probably stare at that form for a solid day or two... or just flatly not answer :p Nice to see this back up, and nice self-reflection there, Shel. ;)

    <retreats back to my hole>
    Krysyy, 607, MoreMoople and 4 others like this.
  15. I was sure I removed all of the non-members. Uh oh, this is going to be a shell special in a bad way. I'll edit right away.
    607, We3_MPO, Tuqueque and 1 other person like this.
  16. I checked the list and everything else is fine. :)
    We3_MPO and ShelLuser like this.
  17. Aha, then there is still hope for me! I also spotted a bad typo on my end involving Sachrock, which is now also immediately fixed.

    To make it easier to find the Google form link I also made a Tinyurl link:


    Hope everyone is still willing to fill it out, because I really think it might help staff to get a good impression on what we, the community, think about staff.
    607 and We3_MPO like this.
  18. YES! ShelLuser, this is SO NICE of you to do these! I filled out the form as soon as I saw the link in your status! And thanks to any greenies, minties, lapis-colored coders, and purple admins for all your hard but good work! :D
    607, MoreMoople, Sydney4363 and 3 others like this.
  19. when you accidentally pressed "no staff please"

    insta ban lol
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