Goal Reached - Shulker box of Shulker shells

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DrEllis, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. I set a goal a while back to gather 1 shulker box full of shulker shells. (kinda like a pack rat's inception I suppose.)

    After using/selling/sharing many boxes, I finally reached the goal... and I'm pretty pumped.

    now get me one
    ellisbrewer likes this.
  3. It only took me a year to get... so coming right up?! jk
  4. If you did an auction that would be 16 DC of shulker boxes. Congrats on getting so many shulker shells.
    607 and ellisbrewer like this.
  5. I know... I'm tempted. $-)
  6. You would actually need to auction those shells off in DC quantities... :p So just a little more grinding ;) (or you'd have to craft them all to boxes, but that wouldn't give as much bragging rights right?)

    But congrats! That is actually quite an accomplishment :D
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  7. That's quite something... :)
    ellisbrewer likes this.
  8. Dang. GG. You could never use chests again.
    ellisbrewer likes this.
  9. Thats something I could never take on. Congrats!
    607, ellisbrewer and q1zx like this.
  10. /gamemode 1
    *click click click*
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. Wow, awesome! I haven't even ever seen a shulker. :p Congratulations on achieving your goal! :)
    607 and ellisbrewer like this.
  12. This Shell approves :cool:

    Ha, ha, ha, better yet: I love it! Congratulations, that's a really nice collection you got there. I love things like these, set a (maybe somewhat) silly goal and then try to reach that. Loving it!

    Thanks for sharing!
    607 and ellisbrewer like this.
  13. Thanks! If i was to auction, it would be for a DC of Shulker boxes, so 108 shells and 54 chests

    But an auction for a DC of shells would be LIT.
    607 likes this.
  14. What?! You gotta get out and explore the End. Besides falling into the void and loosing everything you own, it's quite a relaxing place.
    607 likes this.
  15. Haha, cool!! :D
    ellisbrewer likes this.
  16. You would think that but the chances of getting full value would be alot lower :p
  17. lol No just reality of items like this. It always seems like a lot of money coming back if you base it off a single price but with such quantity it tends to limit the amount of people that can bid that much.

    Still a nice score getting that many. I usually get a few stacks before making a dumb mistake and falling in the void :D
    ellisbrewer and 607 like this.
  18. Very nice accomplishment, well done!

    And yeah, what Kloned said ^ Items like this are risky to auction off because as he said, the value they hold is so high most players couldn't realistically bid on the auction.

    Just for the sake of argument though, there is also the small chance that the auction could go for more than what the shells are actually worth. If you think about it, how easy would it be to otherwise get this many shells all at once? If somebody really needed a large number of shulker boxes, and had the rupees to buy these, they would be willing to pay extra just so they could win such a large quantity. Otherwise, they would have to go searching for shells and boxes across servers and price compare. The time saved winning this auction would, in their mind, be worth the extra cost. It's the same reason you will sometimes see auctions for promos or DCs of Quartz Blocks go for higher than what people would expect.
    ellisbrewer, ThaKloned and 607 like this.
  19. Tom and I are currently low on rupees though... :rolleyes: