(AMA and Giveaway) Share your Pride!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by finch_rocks_1, Dec 5, 2017.

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  1. Hey everyone!

    I have not had much time to play in-game due to many other projects, college and IRL stuff. So I thought Why not do a Giveaway! This wont be your average pick a number giveaway as I want to see people's Pride and experiences and try to help spread support and Kindness.

    For the Giveaway, you will need to write a short story (I dont mean a 3 sentence post), I mean you will need to write a bit.

    You will share your Experience on being an Ally or part of LGBTQ+ in some way.
    (Optional) You will then have to write about someone you have helped in some way that fits under LGBTQ+ (You cant just say, i helped my friend though hard times {and they are not in anyway under the area}).
    Lastly you will write about someone who you find helped you or inspired you to come out or even to be an Ally. Feel free to add anything else you want as well.

    Along with this, I will do a AMA - Ask Me Anything. If something is to sensitive, feel free to ask me in a PM.

    If your looking to talk to me, Feel free to let me know so I can send you my discord channel as well as any other chatting service.

    Now for the Prizes.
    When you make your Post, I will like to to show you have entered. Along with making a post, make sure to choose a Number 1-1000.
    The Prizes are
    A Full set of 100k Armour Including Tools - 1st Prize
    100k Pickaxe -2nd Prize

    Ends Feb 1st 2018

    If your post does not meet standards, I will reply to it explaining why. If you have any Questions, just ask.


    P.S. This is like a Late 2k days on EMC, as I am now 2100+ now, :p
  2. AMA question, Did you have any other game ideas before Stranded Alone?

    and it doesn't matter if you don't play much, you're one of the first people I met on this server and I won't forget you anytime soon :p
  3. I Had a few smaller idea's such as Mini Racing Games, and a Puzzle map, but decided to go with Stranded Alone as I am able to fit new idea's as well as some puzzleness to the game. Although the Puzzle part is very WIP, I have some Idea's on how i can make it, but it will be more like you have to follow clues while playing the game to follow clues and trails for a sub-game inside the game. Hehe

    And I assume you dont want to enter?
  4. I would write something (and I am in the LGBT community too), but I've never had any actual LGBT friends nor have I had a boyfriend yet (but I do want both of those things to change, and I do have multiple allies). :oops::confused:

    On a more serious note, I think this is a very good thread for anyone to make, and I hope it gets positive feedback. :)
    FadedMartian and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  5. Changed one item to be Optional for those who cant fit that are, but the 2 there now are very easy and everyone should be able to fit that area.

    Also fixed a small mistake, as the first prize is supposed to include the tools, but added a note now to make it clear.

  6. How much money does it cost to form a micro-nation if you had the land already.
  7. Does the short story have to be non-fiction
  8. Its supposed to be real... dont make it up....
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. okay, thanks, I guess I can't participate then. Thanks anyways for the giveaway :)
  10. So your not an ally of the LGBTQ community?
  11. I'm not saying I'm not, I just don't have any "experience"
    instead of saying 'ally' cant you just use the term supporter or whatever? I had to look up what an lgbtq ally was.
  12. I used ally as it's sounds better and is more than a supporter. A supporter is someone who supports you but is not fully supportive of the community. I am keeping it as ally as that's the proper term and usage.
  13. ok then I guess I'm a supporter then
  14. Grats on 2k days, sadly I can’t enter
  15. Well, then... I am disappointed. I had hoped for this, as was implied by the title, to be about sharing something you're proud of. Not about a quite specific issue some people won't have had to do with, and many people won't be able to participate on simply because they don't fit the requirements. Many of us might not be allies to the LGBTQ+ 'community'.
  16. Which part is optional the ally part or the friend part?
  17. (Optional) You will then have to write about someone you have helped in some way that fits under LGBTQ+ (You cant just say, i helped my friend though hard times {and they are not in anyway under the area}).

    The other 2 are stuff that everyone can do. The one above is optional for those who have yet to do anything for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
  18. I'm bi-sexual and I've only come out to my best friend but I think my parents will understand when I tell them.
    Edit: I choose 19
    Edit 2: Do you like cheese and what sort?
  19. Sorry, but that's not true. There are in fact people who are not 'allies' to the 'LGBTQ+ community'. In fact, there are people who disapprove of acting out on LGBTQ+ feelings at all. I've seen/known plenty IRL, while I've never seen/known a Trump supporter IRL, as far as I know. Here on EMC, there are even supporters of Trump (no offence intended to those, I'm sorry if this example is confronting), so surely, there are people who don't approve of the LGBTQ+ community.
    Just to be clear: I am not at all trying to say Trump supporters necessarily don't support the LGBTQ+ community, I was using the example to show that what you might not see around you can definitely be around on EMC. And it shows, as there have been multiple people who actually even went as far to post on this thread, saying they couldn't participate.
  20. Congrats on 2k days. :)

    Sadly I can't enter this giveaway.
    Sachrock likes this.
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