What do you consider rich on EMC?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by The_D1rt_Lord, Sep 27, 2017.


What Do You Consider Rich On EMC

> 500K 3 vote(s) 5.5%
> 1M 17 vote(s) 30.9%
>2.5M 7 vote(s) 12.7%
>5M 8 vote(s) 14.5%
>10M 8 vote(s) 14.5%
>15M 5 vote(s) 9.1%
>30M 1 vote(s) 1.8%
>50M 1 vote(s) 1.8%
>75M 5 vote(s) 9.1%
  1. This is based on how much rupees you would get for selling yourself and all your possessions
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  2. I am confused is this "what you consider rich?" or "How much are you worth?"
    607, ChespinLover77 and FadedMartian like this.
  3. Does anyone have a net work of 75 M?
  4. Yes
    PenguinDJ, 607, AlexC__ and 1 other person like this.
  5. Not sure what you mean but I'll answer anyway.

    I have 50,000 rupees. I'm pretty sure my reses are derelict at this point (can't be bothered logging in to check lol), so I also have no possessions. All in all, I'm probably worth nothing.

    I guess my head might be worth a bit since there isn't one that exists. I dunno.
  6. I think determining a "net worth" is rather subjective.
    607 and benthebobjr like this.
  7. Depends on the age of the player, in my opinion.

    CreeperLordXDD, who is 3 days old, might consider having 100 rupees rich.

    FirstMinecraftPlayer, approaching 2000 days and a promo collector, probably considers "rich" to be in the tens of millions.

    Carbonyx, approaching 2 years, considers "rich" as having a few million in rupees and promos. I think my net worth is about 4 million.
    TomvanWijnen, 607 and ChespinLover77 like this.
  8. I think I am worth many millions. I have a lot of "stuff" and some very cool reses that should be worth a lot. So I will say 75 million at least for me, the God of Gods!
    607, ChespinLover77 and Carbonyx like this.
  9. I'd possibly say "net worth" wise between me and what I have in the way of promo and builds, most likely around 50 million to 75 million. :p
  10. This thread has been posted so many times.
    UltiPig, Carbonyx and AyanamiKun like this.
  11. And to answer the original question it was supposed to be what you think is considered rich for anybody not your personal net. What I should have said was

    How much does somebody need to have rupee wise to be considered rich in your opinion?

    The other part was to say that this includes the players possessions like promos as if you were to sell them you would gain more R.

    (Ps I like how my post hasn't gotten liked a single time yet XD) (Ps again I consider 1.5M rich)

  12. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on how much their balance needs to be to consider themselves rich. I remember when I had 45,000r that was rich to me.
  13. You're rich when you have literally more money than I can burn. So like 10 million or so.
  14. I have 2r and feel pretty rich....
    ThaKloned, Tah2 and Inuyasha1204 like this.
  15. Then that's all that matters.
  16. Also " rich " differs on each SMP based on current market cost and demand.

    I have 400k now and am fine. When a was a mod I had 5 million and was broke. It's all a matter of perspective.

    And repost threads. The same thread over and over. It's all about that also.
    UltiPig likes this.
  17. Yes, but very very very few players... Except for SS+
    NuclearBobomb and We3_MPO like this.
  18. I feel semi rich when I'm looking at my promos in my vaults... However I feel dirt poor when people start selling promos I don't have and can't afford. Net worth, always North... You can't go south unless you give up on the game.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  19. 1MIL rupees is pretty easy to make so I think rich in my opinion would be like 5MIL and up.
    Speaking of how much all my stuff and I together are worth well I have no absolute clue but it would be low because I burn mostly all the promos I get for the fun of it.
  20. I'm willing to bet you could easily burn 10 million