Been spending all me hard earned cash on gold and diamonds like any good pirate would. Plenty left over... time to buy more gold!
Sold all of my promos :') In other news, did you guys know that CTRL - SHIFT - I lets you edit the HTML of a website?
i'm too lazy to even bother editing the html and yet i took the few seconds more it took to make this lol
I'll post my "temporary" balance tomorrow or so. (need to sleep now) I need to have that book. How much for it?
Idk what happened, I was sending funds from my main to my alt to buy some stuff, and my game lagged, and server kicked me. was unable to connect to smp6 for about an hour.... so then i was like... fine... i will browse the site when i saw this.... I am way too lazy to check my finch_rocks account funds as i sent them over there....