How well known is the user above you? [Forum Game]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ritunn, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. Isn't this thread all about that? Wow, I miss interpreted the thread completely
    Sachrock likes this.
  2. >: ( it also doesn't help with everyone putting nonrelated posts that screw up the order.
    Sachrock and padde73 like this.
  3. 6/10, I've seen you around the forums more recently. I'm also know as yankees518, if anyone cares.
    TomvanWijnen and PhoenixAffinity like this.
  4. I'd say you are 4/10 because I see you ingame, but we never talk.
    WolfInAction likes this.
  5. I'd say I know you pretty well:p
    Cardman142 likes this.
  6. I know your a InAction so I know about you.

    WolfInAction likes this.
  7. I know you fairly well...7/10
  8. 1/10 I don't know you at all :(
  9. 5/10 mostly saw you on forums.
  10. 6/10 I have seen you on forums, and then there is the whole "Slime King" thing....
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  11. Oh man, this kid, I don't think I've seen him before...

  12. Seen you a little bit around but I have never talked to you.
  13. 9/10, You're around a lot
    Sachrock likes this.
  14. 5/10 I've seen you on the forums and that's all
  15. I have seen you around Jacks streams and have talked to you a little 5/10
    607 likes this.
  16. 8/10 I see you a good amount.
  17. 7/10 seen you on the forums back in the day
  18. I walked on your plot a couple times... 3/10
  19. 9/10 never seen u before ;) jk in all honesty seen you around quite a bit recently and you are on my friends list...