[Event] (Coming soon to EMC) EMC's Hardest Maze!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Zion_Moyer, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Well, it's been a long time in the making, but I am finally getting around to the forum post, and the project build has begun!!! As many of you know I love to build mazes, but, I wanted to make one that was truly special. That's where the idea of the Impossimaze (yes it is actually possible) begun! I've had the thought in my mind forever and now it is finally starting to happen!

    This thread will inform you about everything that goes into this maze along the journey! No, this maze will not be up in the next month as it will take some time. I wanted to make this thread early so that players could also help with some ideas that might end up going into the maze!

    Info: This maze will be made up of 4 sectors. The colors blue, green, red, and black. If you didn't figure it out by the colors, this maze gets harder as you go according to the corresponding color:
    Light Blue = Level 1
    Green = Level 2
    Red = Level 3
    Black = Level 4

    Donations: I want this maze to be loaded with prizes for the winner! I currently have set up a place for prize donations and a place for rupee donations. The prize donations will instantly funnel down into the hopper system that way no one can steal the items that you have placed into the chest.
    For the rupee donations. The rupee donations will help build this maze. I am planning on using some expensive materials throughout the maze and currently am doing it with no charge to enter the maze. So, if you would like the help with the build of the maze, rupee donations would be big! Along with helping with the build, after I get the build done and/or all the building materials have been funded, the extra rupees that are donated will be added to the cash pot at the end!
    Head to /v 16100@donation on smp8 to donate!

    Help?: Think you have a cool idea that would make the maze more difficult for people? Please comment below. I am more than willing to change the plans that I have made up if I find another cool idea that could help the maze!

    Time: As I said before, this maze won't be up in the next month. I will spend almost all my emc time devoted to this maze but my time is a little low right now :(. I will work my hardest to get this event planned and scheduled soon. Now for the maze time, don't expect this maze to take 10 minutes. I hope to make this maze take as long as I possibly can :)!

    I will post building updates about the maze, updates in general about the maze, and the people who donated rupees (since I can track them), all on this forum post! I will try to keep you as updated as possible!

    Hopefully you are all just as excited as I am for this upcoming project!
    EvilBlo, SkareCboi, 607 and 5 others like this.
  2. Rupee Donations: (donate at /v 16100@donation on smp8)

    -ItsMeMatheus: 910,000r.......Ender Crystal Donor

    -EvilBlo: 200,000r.......Diamond Donor

    -SoSeeYoPath: 50,000r.......Emerald Donor

    -Sydney4363: 25,000.......Gold Donor
  3. Definitely looking forward to this! :D I may donate materials, if I have whatever you need of course.
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  4. Make sure to include shifting walls and random TP signs :D
    BlitzAttack and Zion_Moyer like this.
  5. I draw mazes irl, had a small book published years ago. Then quit.
    This was a sample scan I had done once upon a time.
  6. OMG that's amazing
    mjnoe70 and Zion_Moyer like this.
  7. Just stocked up today but I most likly undercut what I need =P. Will look you up if the times comes :) Thanks!

    TP signs will be throughout the maze at bulk but shifting walls is an interested concept! Will see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Those are absolute sweet! Wish I had more than just square blocks to work with so I could add stuff like that in =P
    607, mjnoe70 and Carbonyx like this.
  8. If it made full map size, you may get something that looks kinda like those. It may server as art to sell as well.
    607 and Zion_Moyer like this.
  9. Very true, and that would look sweet, but, I will be closing up the top that way people can't get onto the emc maps and map out the correct path to the end. Don't want to let anyone have an advantage over others.
    FadedMartian, 607 and mjnoe70 like this.
  10. Update on the Maze: I have started on the easy level (light blue) and am almost done with the mapping out that part. Tomorrow should finish the light blue section and be ready to close it. Currently have a dirt canopy over it so there won't be any map cheating.

    Started with the tp area/spawn area for the maze: http://imgur.com/a/VQX9C

    All in all, it's coming along great!
    607 likes this.
  11. Watch me win this... I've won all the other mazes recently lol
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  12. Maze, eh? Well as long as there isn't any gimmicks, I think this will be quite an easy and fun time.
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  13. I'm going to make a maze harder than yours just to say your thread title is lying.
    FadedMartian and Zion_Moyer like this.
  14. Such dedication. I applaud you.
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  15. hardest maze at the moment is still Melks...
  16. Funny! ...but some how fitting.
    607 and Zion_Moyer like this.
  17. do a dropper that if you fail you are tied back to the top
  18. Update on the Maze: The light blue sector is finished! Going to get staff approval tomorrow hopefully and will start on the next level (green)!

    Also, found out today that with a new design I have in mind for the maze I will have to remove the start of my spawn area in mid air and build it another 20 blocks or so higher to keep from hitting. With that I am going to make this next spawn area a load bigger and roomier. It will also host the winner's collection room.
    Everything is coming along great!
    607 likes this.
  19. i have a maze in the wild. i made... got lost in my own maze for weeks.
  20. That's a very good maze to strive for =P
    FadedMartian likes this.