[Event] (Coming soon to EMC) EMC's Hardest Maze!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Zion_Moyer, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. It changes as you do it.
    FadedMartian and Zion_Moyer like this.
  2. Update on the Maze: I got a ton done! Unfortunately, not 100% of that went towards the maze. I have another project that I fell a week behind on so I caught up on that today. The good news is, I still got way more work than what I expected on the maze done today.
    I was able to get the start of the spawn center moved up (that's the picture that I showed before), but I didn't get what I hoped to get added onto it today. The light blue level is 100% done and staff approved as of today! I have now started on the green layer and am done with the first section of it. I will put the floors and walls in tomorrow and start on the second level of green!
    Everything is going fantastic and wwaaayy ahead of schedule!
    607 likes this.
  3. I hope to be there!
    FadedMartian and Zion_Moyer like this.
  4. Update on the Maze: Sadly, got very little to no work done today. Got about 10 minutes of emc time and shoved in as much as I could. I got most of the green floors put in but not to many. Will hope to get the green section done this week!
  5. Update on the Maze: The bad news is I didn't get to work on it Tuesday, Wednesday, or even Thursday. The good news is, I got a bunch of time today and everything that I wanted to get completed by Sunday is now completed!
    I think is was for the best that I got held up because a new mini game inside my maze was though of and created as of today! So make sure to be there opening day in order to do the maze and the sweet new mini game inside! Mouse Trap!

    Here is a picture of the outside of the maze so far: http://imgur.com/a/otUif

    And here is a picture of the newly redone spawning area: http://imgur.com/a/gDMkL More work is still do be done on the spawn area!
  6. Update on the Maze: On Sunday I got the first part of my red level completed and approved but there is still two more to be made on the red level. Sadly, nothing has happened since that day. For the past few days it has been, school, sport, work, sleep and repeat. And if you didn't notice there is no minecraft in there :(. That also won't change until the end of next weak. I am still ahead of my idea for my opening day but I am getting closer to being right on schedule which is never a good thing. More to come soon!

    Remember: Donations are needed for this extreme event! You can donate rupees in order to help with the costs (it is getting high) or can donate items for the winner to receive after winning the maze. The donation area is set up on smp8 at /v +16100@donation
  7. Update on the Maze: I got a lot done...... but then I had to destroy it. I had finally got around the finishing up the parkour part of the Red level but then I thought about something that might affect the overall result. Well, I did my looking and testing and it did affect the end result. I had miscalculated the height of the jump so I need to make it one block higher. Sounds easy but I had to first take off everything that I had already done. So that's what I did/accomplish in my little time that I have been having these days.
    Hopefully will get some more time soon!
    607 likes this.
  8. Update on the Maze: It's been a rough week for my emc playing time. I got a couple hours today and I fished up 2 sections of the red level but that has been the only progress since about a week ago. The good news is I will have more time this week to finish up what needs to be completed by the end of the week. My plan is to have the red level finished and to get started on the final level, black!

    This maze needs your help! This maze is made out of a lot expensive materials and a lot more are to be added onto the final level. So far, SoSeeYoPath, now known as SowSeedYoPath, has been the solo donor! Huge thanks to him, but we still need more. So if you want to have your name on the donor board head on down to /v 16000@donation. The ranks to be a certain level of Donor are these: Iron 19,999 and below. Gold: 20,000 to 39,999. Emerald: 40,000 to 59,999. Diamond: 60,000+. All donations will go to the funding of the maze and to the overall cash pot for the winner at the end. You can also donate items for the winner to receive at the same location!

    Want to feature your business for all to see at this event and all other events that will be held at this res? Become and Diamond Donor and then contact me and you can tell me the info that you would like everyone to see which will bring the profits back to you!

    All and all this is coming along good! Hope to have the thread timing page up soon to see what time will work the best for the most people!

    [EDIT] Check out post #35 for more information on Donor Ranks
  9. Update on the Maze: Not much has happened. This week, which was supposed to be a free week for me, turned out to be much more chaotic than originally thought. I got bits and pieces done but not what I wanted to. My new goal is to get the red level done by Monday.
  10. donated
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  11. Donated some money too, good luck and I hope to see this done so I can try to beat it! :p
    fBuilderS, Zion_Moyer and 607 like this.
  12. Update on the Maze: Red section has been finished and is getting ready for staff approval hopefully by the end of the day! The final section, black, will be getting started tomorrow. The end goal for the black section is by the end of October. Yes it seems like a long time but it will come fast and the end goal is still on track. Still working on date and times that will work. Once I get a list of them I will have a thread posted to see which time will work the best for the most people.

    Donation Information: Two more people have donated and added there names to the donation wall in the lobby for this event! Big thanks to K9J with the donation of 500r.
    And a special huge thanks to ItsMeMatheus with his donation coming to a whopping 910,000 rupees! Most likely half will go into supplies and the other half right into the cash pot for the lucky winner at the end! New donation level might have to be added too =P.
    fBuilderS, 607 and ItsMeMatheus like this.
  13. Good to see projects like this one and good luck on the building part! :)
    607 and Zion_Moyer like this.
  14. Donation Information: We have had another member donate a large sum of rupees to the project! Huge thanks to EvilBlo with the donation of 200,000 rupees!

    New Donation Rank?........ Coming tomorrow! Stay tuned for more details!
    607 likes this.
  15. As promised, a new donation rank has been created due to a certain someone's donation :). That being said, if anyone would like to become an Ender Crystal Donor the requirement starts at 500k and goes to infinite. The great perk of this rank is you will get an entire section of the donor area all to yourself to flaunt you and your awesome donation! Another thanks to ItsMeMatheus for acquiring this rank!
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  16. Update on the maze: As I said on my other post my time is about to get a lot more free in the days to come. But until that comes, here is what I have been up to. I have put the tarp over the black section so I can work without anyone cheating :p and have started on the bottom black floor. This is the final level but I will still have 3 more to put on top of it since I work from the ground up..... literally XD. I have everything designed on the bottom floor just need to do some checking, put up a few walls, get a staff to approve it, and put the roof on it and we are one section closer to finishing this bad boy up!

    Thanks for all the great donations to everyone who donated. Has helped a lot in the materials process! Don't forget there is also a need for items to go to the winner of the maze. The chests to place these items in are at /v +pm@donation
    The chests work similarly to the ones at firefloor. Thanks again!
  17. Update on the Maze: A lot has happened! I have completed the lowest part of the black level and am now starting to design the layer above that! The bottom layer was by far the hardest to make as of now but some might get a little bit trickier so they might require more time. I hope to get my alt all diamond up this week so I can get the loc's that I need for the maze to work on it so I will probably take a little while off of the actual maze itself and focus more on the spawning area above the maze. Overall, progress is moving fast!

    Another thanks to the donors as your money is flowing into this project! Thanks a lot!
  18. Update on the Maze: The Lobby is starting to look better and better every minute! I have created the first mini game in it, Ivisi maze, and am now working on the parkour that you will be able to play while waiting. Look in pictures below for more info. I also have the Donor Area started but not all the way finished. Still gotta spruce up the Ender Crystal Area!
    I will hopefully have the winners area up tomorrow then we can get back to work on the maze itself!

    Pictures: Mini Invisi Maze: https://imgur.com/a/UB9Uv
    Donor Area Started: https://imgur.com/a/ELEll
    607 likes this.
  19. Update on the Maze: What I had originally planned didn't get done, but much more did than what I would have thought! I finished up the Invismaze part of the overall maze and I feel like you guys are going to have some fun on that :). I posted a picture of it below since there isn't any way to use it to your advantage! This is the first inside pic of the maze too! Enjoy and look forward to facing it =P. I also finished the Ender Crystal Donor's place but forgot to grab a pic of it so I will post it with the next set of maze updates!
    It's getting closer and closer to opening day!

    Invisimaze: https://imgur.com/a/NV28Y
  20. Update on the Maze: Calling all imaginators! I am down to my final layer to make on the maze and I want some outside intake on what should be included in it! If you have any ideas that you think would be cool to be in the maze please feel free to comment on this page and say so! If you do so you might see it in the maze! Hope to hear from some of you!

    Will post all pictures of what I have completed on the maze since the last update tomorrow!