As some of you may be familiar with in 1.13 textures to blocks will changing. this has many people up in the air about it. personally i hate ever single new texture. i'm not sure about other people. to be fair since 1.9 minecraft updates have been getting worse and worse. first it was hit cooldowns then glazed terracotta. with many textures changing the default look of builds will be changing because every single block has been said to get an updated texture along with mobs. tell me what you think of it. honestly it doesn't look very good for minecraft in the future. but hey that's only my opinion!
RIP games server Also who cares about textures? A vanilla texture pack will be put into circulation quickly, so it's not like much will be changed by that
ya specially when texture packs are so easy to find and install. EDIT: Personally I like Faithful 32x
Well, I actually like the updates so far although I do agree that updating the textures doesn't seem like a very good idea to me. Especially not after we already had the whole update of colors where several blocks changes which created a lot of new looks. From what I read on the Minecraft forum the accent was put on smoothing the textures out a bit and making them a little more hi-res (sort off). But having blocky looking items in a blocky looking world is just the thing which fits the game. But other than the retexturing I think the updates in general are quite good so far.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the new diamond and emerald blocks. They are only previews so they may change, But it's not my style. I do like the look of the new bricks, Obsidian, Jungle door, Wood and obsidian. (Obsidian was posted by 607 above, I don't need to add it again)
Obsidian just looks like purple gravel and doesn't look solid. The diamond/emerald/whatever blocks look semi-decent I guess. Not a fan of the wood or doors. They look awful.
They are only previews though. The obsidian has been changed a few times already on Jeb's twitter (If you look through some of the recent imgur links he posted). I doubt any of these released now will be the same later on.
Sometimes I think people have a knee-jerk reaction to everything new of "omg, this is all terrible." I'd prefer to think about it a bit first. Diamond and emerald look so much better, if you ask me - they are no longer flat-ish colors and actually look like blocks of a precious ore. Also, if you look at obsidian irl, it doesn't have purple flecks. It has smooth highlights. I always hated obsidian in Minecraft because it looked nothing like it does irl, and since it was my favorite volcanic rock (...don't question why I have a favorite volcanic rock) that irked me. So I'm pleasantly surprised to see there's being a change. As for the wood textures... I need to get on computer or something because I can't see the difference other than the door, and it doesn't bother me at all. All that said, a resource pack for "original Minecraft textures" will be made I'm sure. EDIT: That looks like a new texture for the cauldron. It looks pretty cool!
There's a few more lines added for detail and on the birch there's some yellow tinting like you see on some of the actual trees. It does look blurry on some of them (especially the birch).
I think this honestly was Completely uneccesary and irrelevant, you already put it as your status so why do you feel the need to post it on this thread about a 1.13 update? As for the 1.13 discussion, from what I've googled and seen the update kinda looks awesome (idk might be me xD) Like every update some people are not going to like it though, they can't satisfy everyone
They look nice, honestly. It's interesting that they're changing such things so late in development, though... Are they really intending on keeping Minecraft getting sales for years to come?
From a distance most of the blocks seem to look pretty similar. Old or new to MC overall will not cause any confusion but I agree with some other notes that in many ways some just look more dithered/blurred and are not really an improvement. ...but personal tastes are also very interesting to see as I am almost polar opposite of one of the posters above where I'm ok with the new diamond and emerald blocks, though I'd care less if they didn't change on those. I do not like the new brick at compared to the old as after the color update now they just appear to be dulling it down and making it more blurry. I'm very mixed on the obsidian which I think looks better in "groups" than the singular use or on portals but agree that it does appear to lose some of the "solid" look I'd expect from the 2nd hardest object in the game. I really don't feel much impact in the wood changes except for birch which looks fine at a distance but just looks super dithered when up close and don't care much for that. In the end MC will be MC and if it changes I'll either get a texture pack or use it as it comes out. My issue is that I think this is the wrong focus at this point in the game. I think image wise with the last update we could have waited for more texture changes. I would prefer more content and options be the focus of the next patch. I mean maybe alternate function and visuals in releases. My take is most players will not come back for a new version with mainly just texture updates, but they may come back for a new version that includes a new world level that includes half a dozen new blocks, a couple new mobs to fight, a new unique mob drop which has a couple new uses. In the end, I didn't write minecraft nor did they ask me for direction. Just my thoughts which you (and they) may or may not agree with some or in part.